Saturday, August 31, 2019

Deontology Definition Essay

‘Whilst Deontology has it’s attractions it fails to provide a reliable foundation for moral decision making’ Examine and evaluate this claim (30) Deontology is based upon the actions of a person, not the consequences. The word deontology is derived from the Greek word ‘deontos’. It was developed by Immanuel Kant and it is an absolutist a priori theory, the phrase a priori means it is knowable through experience and absolutist means there are fixed rules that cannot be changed. This means Kant believed the duty of the moral law was unchangeable and through experience, if everyone followed these rules the world would be a better place. Immanuel Kant wrote ‘Critique of Pure reason’ in this book he devised his deontological theory of duty. He believed it is the duty of one to follow the moral law and not judge situations with feelings, inclination, love and compassion. Kant also believed that all humans seek for summum bonum which is the state when all human virtue and happiness are united. To help people on their way to moral decision Immanuel Kant devised the categorical imperative, this is in contrast to the hypothetical imperative. The hypothetical imperative normally starts sentence with an if e.g. if you wish to complete a good essay you must spend time on it, where as a categorical imperative tells you that you should do something, e.g. you should brush your teeth in the morning. This then was devised into three different rules on how to live your life; The Universal Law, Treat Humans as Ends in Themselves and Act as if you live in a Kingdom of Ends. Kant’s second principle in the categorical imperative, ‘So act that you treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of every other human being, never merely as a means, but always at the same time as an end’ This shows that it could be an attractive theory as it has good intentions in mind. Like many theories, Deontology has its strengths and weaknesses. One of its main strengths is that it is an absolutist theory. This means it is either intrinsically good or bad, e.g. do not commit murder. This is a major strength as it makes an easy theory people to follow. This may attract people towards the theory as it shows guidelines to follow which some people may rely on to make their moral decision making. Another reason why it may attract people is because the rules are fixed so they do not have to question the rules whether they are right or wrong them just have to obey them keeping them in a comfortable position. This makes the theory practical in everyday use and people can depend upon the theory also there is no need to do any calculations. However there are many conflicting views to this strength. One of them is how people can become dependant on the theory. If they become to dependant upon the theory and it does not help them in a situation on moral decision making they may struggle to think of what to do next. WD Ross devised the notion of prima facie duties, this means first appearance. This is when we follow our duty unless there is an overriding obligation, e.g. telling a white lie to make someone feel good about them self. This goes against the principle of duty as you must not lie but you could argue that you will feel morally good about yourself if you make another person feel good. Therefore this does not help is moral decision making as you have conflicting duties. Strength to this theory is that justice is always the absolute. This means only intrinsically right actions are accounted for. This can be seen with Kant’s statement of good will. ‘it is impossible to conceive of anything at all in the world, or even out of it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except good will.’ This shows that only good will is the only good we can achieve from the world. By justice being an absolute it means that you cannot justify immoral actions. This is attractive because it shows that by following this theory you will not act unmorally and you will be able to reach that summum bonum as you are fulfilled with good deeds. By not being able to do any intrinsically bad actions this will make people feel it is a reliable theory because if you follow these set rules you will not harm another person. Although it seeks justice, it does not seek the best interest of the majority, this means the minority may feel that justice has been done but on the other hand the majority may feel that justice has not been served. Personally I feel by pleasing the majority I will end up with a better outcome because there will greater happiness, this links in with Utilitarianism and the greatest pleasure over the greatest pain. Another reason why this theory has its flaws is the summum bonum. The summum bonum is the ultimate fulfilment but it can only be achieved by having an immortal soul as it cannot be achieved in the lifetime. This shows links with religion, even though Kant rejected theological arguments with the existence of God. This strikes a problem because not everyone believes in God so how could you follow the theory if you do not believe in his existence. Finally it is to legalistic because it assumes everyone is a law abiding person, people have different intentions so by assuming everyone has the intention of justice is wrong. To see whether is really does fail these reliabilities; we have to compare the strengths with the weaknesses. A weakness to the theory is that there are no limits to what can be universalised. This is because in one person’s state of mind something may seem perfectly fine to another person’s state of mind, e.g. a chronically depressed person. They may feel suicide is perfectly acceptable. This links in with the first law of the categorical imperative ‘Do not act on any principle that cannot be universalised.’ This means moral laws should be taken into account into all situations. Again this is wrong because who is to say one right action is another person’s right action, this makes it very unreliable with moral decision making. However if you take into account what the majority feel is wrong or right you could come to a conclusion on universal rules. This can be seen with rules such as ‘do not commit murder’ as most people do not tolerate that and it is safe to say they do not agree with it. Finally another weakness is that Immanuel Kant starts to argue now ‘is’ to be done but what ‘ought’ to be done, this is known as the Naturalistic Fallacy. This is a weakness because it makes people feel as he is in control and he is telling what should and shouldn’t be done. This is a weakness because Kant has different agreement on morals to another agreement, again he is assuming the masses will agree with this method making unreliable. By Kant saying what ought to be done he is showing what he feels is intrinsically good and that may vary from another. On the other hand by Kant saying he ought instead of is, it shows he is laying down ground rules and some people may like this as they will have rules to follow making it a attractive and reliable moral decision making theory.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Forbidden and Dangerous Love

essay Josephine Sellberg English Mrs. Giraud 1/9/10 Forbidden and Dangerous Love The story †Pyramus and Thisbe† is about two lovers, Pyramus and Thisbe. Because their love is forbidden, they are forced to do dangerous things to satisfy it. In the story, Pyramus and Thisbe’s parents have forbidden their love for each other. The teenagers live on either side of a wall that separates them. The two lovers one day decide that they want to be together and not have a wall between them. They decide to do a dangerous thing and sneak away from home into the dark fields.What drives the action in this story is Pyramus and Thisbe’s love that just gets stronger because it is forbidden. They take a dangerous risk when they sneak out into the wild when it’s dark and lions are around. When something is forbidden it can make it even more â€Å"attractive† and that is what happens with Pyramus and Thisbe’s love. Pyramus, â€Å"the handsomest youth† and Thisbe, â€Å"the fairest maiden† are the two lovers in the story; they want to get married, but their parents will not let them (1). One thing, however, they cannot forbid is their love for each other.In fact, their love â€Å"burned more intensely for being covered up† (1). They converse by signs and glances. Pyramus and Thisbe find a crack in the wall that separates them, allowing them to talk to each other. Amazing â€Å"what will not love discover† (1). Every night, when it is time to say farewell, the lovers are forced to â€Å"press their lips upon the wall† (1). They can never give each other a real goodnight kiss or a hug when they need one. The wall do not only separate them it separates their love. They just have to do something about it; it is just too hard for them to restrain their affection.This decision leads to dangerous plans. Danger moves the story forward due to Pyramus and Thisbe’s choices and plans. The two lovers decide to take the chance and sneak out. They were going to sneak out in the middle of the night beyond the â€Å"watchful eyes of their parents† (2) Pyramus has some knowledge of the danger because he brings a sword which he later uses to kill himself. They were going to meet in the fields the next night and be together. Thisbe is at the meeting place first and has to wait for Pyramus to come. She sees a lion and flees, and finds refuge under a rock.She drops her veil, which the lioness tosses around with her bloody mouth. When Pyramus approaches the meeting place, he sees footsteps of a lion and his lover’s bloody veil. He thinks that he has been the cause of her death and then he kills himself with the sword. As soon as Thisbe recognizes her lover she knows that she was not going to live her life without Pyramus, so she also kills herself. Pyarmus and Thisbe’s plan to sneak out ends up to be dangerous and nothing like they thought it would be like. Pyramus and Thisb e’s â€Å"forbidden love† for each other make them do dangerous things.Their love even gets stronger because of the fact that it is forbidden, and nothing can tear them apart. The story ends telling that even death cannot separate the two lovers. Pyramus and Thisbe were born to be together and that was how it was going to stay. When something is forbidden, it can be more interesting or attractive to a person. Something forbidden can make a person want to explore it even more, and take a risk just to explore it. When there is something we really want is withheld, our behavior and judgment can easily be clouded.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Assessment Writing Essay

My practical work in January 2005 was for option 1. It was a piece of devised drama work and was based on the theme of sisterhood. Our play was about a group of four, seven year old children coming together to help their friend Rachael who is ill. The children act together for Rachael and turn to witchcraft to make her healthier but it fails and at the end of the play Rachael dies. There were 5 people in my drama group which included Rachael, Yasmine, Emily, Rosie and myself. The main theme of our play was sisterhood also the friends acting together to try to make Rachel better this was how sisterhood was used. My contribution to the performance was as a performer. I had to play the role of one of Rachael’s friends who took part in the spell with the other friends. I also contributed by writing some of the play with the other people in my group. We practiced in lessons and during our lunchtimes so that the play would be ready for its performance date. To help me in my work I looked for information on the internet about health spells as we wanted to use one in our performance. I also looked on the internet to find out more information about leukaemia and its symptoms so that we could include them in our play to make it seem more realistic. I also looked at one picture and one painting. The picture was a war picture it symbolises women in the war and that they were needed to help to win the war. The painting was of what they look to be children who look as if they are casting a spell of some sort as the picture looks rather mystical. The most useful material I looked at was the information I found from the internet because it helped me understand the symptoms of leukaemia and to look at different kinds of health spells and for us to choose which one was more relevant for our play. Our piece was set in modern times, however the picture was set in the time of the Second World War and the painting was set it seems in modern times too. The picture and painting were similar to our play because the painting is of children looking as if they are casting a spell as it looks mystical and magical and they look very engrossed in what they are doing this is what we tried to do in our play when we cast the spell. The picture is similar to our play because it is about women pulling together to try and make a difference and in some aspects our play is about the children pulling together to help Rachael get better. The biggest differences were that the play was set in modern times and not in the Second World War and the play was about a group of friends not of women in the Second World War. The people who appear in our production are mainly children. In contrast, those in the painting and the picture are adults and children. You could tell this because the picture is of women coming together but the painting looks of children. We chose to perform in the style of naturalist because we wanted to make out the friendship of them to be as real as possible to create more of an effect with the ending. We used informal language as they were children playing and doing children things. In conclusion, I would like to say that the picture and the painting have helped me by seeing how many things use the aspects of sisterhood in many different ways and it is not always obvious. I contributed a lot into this piece of work, I am pleased with the out come and how the others performed in my group.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Services Directive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Services Directive - Essay Example Services Directive The first of these is that the implementation of the application of the country of origin principle, which requires that only the law of the country in which the service provider is located should be applicable. Further, it enjoins upon the Member States not to restrict in a discriminatory way services from a provider established in another Member State. Second, empowering citizens to use the services provided by any other Member State without being delayed or discouraged by restrictive measures imposed by their country. Third, creation of a mechanism to provide assistance to citizens who use a service provided by an operator established in another Member State and fourth, the allocation of tasks between the Member State of destination and origin, in respect of the posting of workers. This directive is not applicable to non – economic and non – remunerated activities. Hence, it is not applicable to the non – remunerated activities of the governments of Member states in respect of its cultural, educational, legal and social commitments towards its citizens . The origins of this directive lie in the questions thrown up by the incident described in the next few lines; a liqueur, Crà ¨me de Cassis, was not allowed to be imported and sold in Germany by the importers Rowe-Zentral AG. The reason for this was cited as low alcoholic content for that particular type of alcoholic drink. The importer approached the European Court of Justice, which challenged the validity of national legislation that was attempting to introduce non – tariff barriers to trade. ... The importer approached the European Court of Justice, which challenged the validity of national legislation that was attempting to introduce non - tariff barriers to trade.2 One of the main bastions of the free movement of goods within the EU is the principle of mutual recognition. Its genesis lies in the above cited EU Court of Justice famous Cassis de Dijon judgment of February 20, 1979. This principle requires that, every Member State to accept products on its territory which are legally produced and marketed in another community Member State. The right of Member States is restricted to challenging this principle in cases involving risk to public safety, health or the environment. In such cases the measure taken must be in conformity with the principles of necessity and proportionality. On the 4th of November 2003, the European Commission published a communication aimed at illuminating the principle of mutual recognition.3 A businessman is often forced to abstain from selling a product, which does not satisfy the technical rules of that Member State, owing to ignorance as to how to proceed in such a discriminatory situation. A technical rule gives the specifications which define the features necessary in a product like its composition, presentation, packaging, labelling etc. The aim of this communication is to spell out the rights and methods of appeal which economic operators may derive from the principle of mutual recognition, when they encounter such difficulties. On the whole, wherever provisions of a national law are incompatible with the principle of mutual recognition, the national courts and administrations have to guarantee the full impact of the principle by removing, of their own

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

God's excistance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

God's excistance - Essay Example The world as we know is full of evils which are rampant and this could not have come from the God that was acclaimed traditionally. Mill believed that though God existed, he was either limited in power or was not entirely benevolent. This means that he purposefully lets the evils that ail society to take place and rids them when he sees necessity or when one seeks intervention2. Emily is a victim of the evil that is rampant in the world. She is haunted and possessed by evil spirits which take control of her after she leaves home for college. The whole idea of God being entirely benevolent is fogged up by the fact that Emily is overcome by the forces which are beyond her control, which are the evil spirits after she chooses to discontinue her medication and rely entirely on her faith in God to help her overcome the evil spirits that taunt her. In the film, Emily is overcome by forces which she cannot control. The forces turn out to be evil spirits. She is initially advised to use medi cation so that she can overcome these evil spirits which seem to be slowly taking control of her. She starts speaking in quire tongues and getting in to a trance where she starts being destructive and her behaviors become shocking. When in the trance, she has a tendency of destroying religious symbols and artifacts, a proof that she is possessed by forces that oppose religion. The whole ordeal begins one night when Emily encounters a strange burning smell which comes from the hall-way in her dorm room. She decides to go and see what is burning and in the process, she notices that the door shuts itself and opens several times. She then goes back to her room and in what seems to be like hallucinations, she sees her jar of pencils move by itself and her bedclothes rolling themselves down. She then experiences a great weight which seems to be pulling her down and at the same time choking her.This prompts her to leave school and go back home. Both her and her parents are now convinced th at she is possessed by demons and the only way that she can be helped is by performing an exorcism on her. The local parish priest, Father Moore, is called to perform the exorcism but unfortunately Emily does not make it out alive. Father Moore is arrested and charged with negligent homicide on Emily’s death. There are good reasons to suppose that Emily is sick and not possessed. After she encounters several more visions after her first, she is hospitalized and after tests, she is diagnosed with epilepsy. She is given medication to counter what is thought to be seizures but the anti-seizure medication is not of help to her. She still encounters her visions and bodily contortions which increase in severity. According to the doctor and the prosecution, Emily’s behaviors can be as a result of psychosis due to the visions that she encounters or epilepsy due to the severe bodily contortions. Another possible argument would be that Emily suffered from schizophrenia and is no t demon possessed. For example, during her exorcism, Emily named 6 demons that had possessed her and this could be a logical base for arguing out that her condition was not spiritual but more of mental illness. The prosecution in the film actually puts up a solid case based on the medical proof that is being suggested. It is also possible for a viewer to argue out that God cannot exist amidst all this evil that is depicted in the

Nursing Statement Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing - Personal Statement Example My goal was to get a job to take care of my son. College would have to wait. I was good at clerical and secretarial duties, so I did that for the next seventeen years. While working, I decided to attend Galveston College in 1991 to pursue nursing education. I took remedial reading and math. I did well in reading, but because math was my weakness, I not only dropped math, but reading, too. Unfortunately, I let my weakness for math almost destroy my dream of becoming a nurse. Working paid the bills, but it was just a job. Over the years I received promotions but I still had a desire for more meaningful work. In 1997, my grandmother had a stroke and became very ill. My family took shifts caring for her. I loved taking care of my grandmother on weekends. Nobody in the family could get my grandmother to take her medication except me. When I arrived, my grandmother always wanted a bath, and to get out of bed. She always told me, â€Å"They won’t give me a bath, and I’ve been dirty all week.† This, however, was not true, but I gave her a bath anyway because she wanted me to. I took care of my grandmother until she died in March 1998. In 2002, I enrolled in Galveston College again. This time I earned an A in reading, which motivated me to do more.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Teamwork. Organization Structure and Design, and Organisation Culture Essay

Teamwork. Organization Structure and Design, and Organisation Culture - Essay Example 3). Employees have a lot of impact on the tendency of an organization to be innovative and competitive (Bakker and Schaufeli, 2009, p. 147) which imparts need for the leaders to keep the employees motivated. Different organizations have different strategies of developing teamwork and also have different organization structures and designs, and organizational cultures. Factors that control these elements include but are not limited to the nature and scope of business, and the socioeconomic and political conditions prevalent in the areas where the business is established. There is no hard and fast rule which can be applied to all organizations. While there are numerous theories of teamwork, organization structure and design, and organizational culture, yet they have to be customized to suit the individualistic needs of different organizations. This paper draws a comparison and contrast between the teamwork, organization structure and design, and organizational culture of two organizati ons; Biogenia and Sleepeasy. Comparison of approaches to teamwork and teamworking Teamwork is the work accomplished by interdependent employees in a group to achieve a goal of mutual concern (Parker and Wall, 1998). Teamwork encourages employees to collaborate with one another (Salas and Gelfand, 2012) and allows employees to be more included in the decision-making process (Mat and Razak, n.d., p. 218). Teamwork is essential to the success of both non-profit and profit-oriented organizations (Rapur and Rapur, n.d.). â€Å"As â€Å"no man is an island,† the positive effects of productive teamwork can energize an entire organization, just as the negative effects of a lack of teamwork can cripple an organization† (Slechta, n.d.). Biogenia places a lot of emphasis on the development of teamwork among the employees. This is achieved by interchanging their roles which is an essential component of teamwork (Griffin, Patterson, and West, 2001, p. 537; Tannenbaum et al, 1996). This has a two-way effect on the employees that increases their tendency to be better team members. Firstly, every employee gets an opportunity to work in a different position for some time during which, the employee gains exposure to the job responsibilities associated with that position so that whenever required, other employees can be invited to do certain tasks that are different from the tasks they normally do in their respective positions. This provides Biogenia to incorporate multi-tasking in its employees which in the long run is in the best interest of Biogenia as well as its employees as they would be equipped with diverse experiences. â€Å"Moving to multi-skilled teams will alter the range and style of working† (Acas, n.d.). Secondly, when an employee gets to work in some other position for some time, it enables that employee to gain an insight into the potential issues and challenges encountered by the employee who regularly serves in that position. This not only increases the employees’ knowledge of the challenges faced by all departments of the organization, but also increases their tendency to cooperate with employees from other departments in the hour of need as they know that the cause is genuine as they personally had had an opportunity to experience the issues while they served in other departments for some time. â€Å"To perform the task better, individuals depend on knowledge from other units or departments†

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Information Systems Use Security Policy Assignment

Information Systems Use Security Policy - Assignment Example When a company begins to address the proper use of its information systems, the challenges that emerge also expose the firm’s administrators to problems ranging from time delays, poor product performance and overruns in costs which come as a surprise. For a growing company, the many problems and opportunities that arise may demand different ways of approaching them. A solution that worked one year ago may no longer work in future. In a growing business, the source of information that a company uses when conducting its research needs to come from the right source. Using ineffective information systems makes it extremely difficult to get information and the purchasing behavior of customers analyzed. Even when the company begins to use and implement its information systems successfully, the systems may not present the proper view of the firm’s increased efficiency (Sousa & Effey, 2014). An excellent example in an organization is the use of emails. The use of emails is a trend in most firms, but their increases in volumes are no doubt a source of time drain for the individual and the organization. As the IT services manager for Sunshine Machine Works, I propose the use of the following guidelines. An increase of employees to more than 100 staff members and computers shows that the company is growing at a successful rate. A written policy on use of computers by all staff members in the organization is one of the best ways of preventing breach of sensitive information such as financial data, personal employee data. A guideline will also ensure that there is a centralized file storage system in the firm. Time limits: The first guideline to consider when creating this policy would be the time limits. As the administration panel in the organization, the Chief Executive officer, Chief Financial officer and general manager would be required to lead by example. Computer time should be strictly reserved for certain period, such as when files

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Two stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two stories - Essay Example The boy realized that it is easier and simpler to control temper and anger, than to hammer the nails into the wooden fence. Finally, the boy was capable of completely control his anger and temper. He informed his father concerning the new situation of experiencing no anger. The father ten directed the boy to remove the each nail, for the days he was incapable of managing his anger. The weeks passed, and finally the boy informed his father that all the nails have been removed from the wooden fence. The father led his son by hand and led him to the wooden fence. He instructed his son to observe the holes left in the fence. The holes distorted the surface of the fence. In a similar situation, anger distorts and leaves a noticeable scar. The father informed the son that if he strikes somebody with a knife and immediately removes it; the wound will forever be there, despite numerous apologies to the victim. Acha was a famous and renowned artist and sculptor in the ancient world. His sculptural work closely resembled the real inspirational object. On a certain day, Acha had a unique dream. The dream illustrated that immediately after the fifteenth day; he will be captured and taken by the death demon. To protect himself, Acha produced nine statues of the exact image of himself. During the fifteenth day, Acha heard of the coming of the death demon. He immediately stood between the nine statues. The death demon failed to identify him among the statutes. The demon was surprised to see ten, instead of one Acha, uncapable of making a decision, the death demon decided to report back to his master, the death god. The death god was so annoyed; hence he decided to capture Acha himself. On reaching the venue, he saw the ten Achas; the real Acha stood motionless, expressionless and alert. The ten Achas perplexed and confused the death god. He carefully analyzed the situation and then loudly remaerked that the sculpture will

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environmental Science Lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Science Lab - Essay Example ts saw replacement with by CFLs, water conservation fixtures replaced outdated technology, interface recycled-content carpeting was used throughout the building, and modern solar array was put on the roof. Truly, all these were geared towards reducing the building’s impact on the environment. Secondly, before the opening of the centre, a HVAC system was installed, which is a combination of an electric resistance heat and the old and air conditioning system. Windows have poor thermal qualities and a plan is underway for completion of an integrated design via renovation. Other buildings can emulate Alliance centre, whereby they cater for environment in designing of buildings. An architect’s decision to put CFLs, water conservation fixtures, recyclable carpeting, and windows of thermal qualities would take care of the environment. A decision to renovate rather than demolish existing buildings would be friendly to the environment. Additionally, if a demolition must be done, recycling of materials is necessary for a sustainable environment. Alliance for Sustainable Colorado. â€Å"Advancing Sustainability through Collaboration: Designing the Future† 2012.Web 2 March 2012. Natural gas is the cleanest-burning conventional fuel, producing lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions than heavier hydrocarbon fuels such as coal and oil. Energy has many uses like transportation, cooking, lighting, and turning engines. Efficiency, affordability, and environmental conservation are some of the factors we consider in analyzing a good source of energy. My main source of energy is the natural gas. Natural gas comes from Denver Colorado. Since its establishment in 1997, the Colorado Natural Gas, Inc. provides natural gas services for commercial and residential customers with an aim of promoting efficient use of affordable and environmental friendly natural gas. Denver has been in the frontline in solar

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Aggression and violent behaviour Essay Example for Free

Aggression and violent behaviour Essay The media of video and computer games is a phenomenon, which has developed rapidly since its first incarnations of simple graphical games, to todays 3D rendered worlds which players are able to inhabit and explore as they wish. The gaming culture which has followed plays an integral part in contemporary society not just for the youth market but also for many adults, as a gateway to escape their everyday lives and express themselves within a gaming environment. This is the new media format much like television and radio with their introduction into the mainstream, the need to study and explore the implications has attracted scholars, and businesss to explore this new media, attempting to understand its effects on contemporary society. The amount of money and time spent by consumers on these game platforms and software has pushed them to the front of the entertainment market place, with several multinational companies vying for market dominance within this expanding industry (Calvert 2002). The research into violent video games and post play aggression is one of the key study points for this media source. The idea of played aggression transferring into real world situations generates a moral panic within society, and so researches are keen to discover any links with play and real life aggression or to dispel the fears of the public which have been scare mongered by the mass media. Moral panics such as video nasties are similar to the notion of game panics, both are especially aimed at young children for whom society deems to be susceptible and vulnerable to impressions from the mass media, and in this essays case their exposure to violent video games. The key to the difference with the notion of game panics is the interactivity between the player and the game mechanics, the player is able to decide what happens within the game as long as its within the game boundaries, for violent games this includes the abundance of killing computer generated characters, and this is the concern of the parents and oppositions to the graphic games available. Recent events such as the school shootings in Columbine, America have led to increased magnification on the topic and therefore more studies are being conducted trying to theorise a link between play and post play. The main research within the gaming context on violence and aggression is aimed towards the effects playing these games has on children. Jeanne B Funks writing on children and violent video games highlights these concerns. She explores the notion that children are high risk players, and after playing the video games they become desensitised to violence, and deviant behaviour within the society that they belong. Funk doesnt place a total blame on the games however as she draws on research into pre existing problems within the Childs personality developed within the environment and social surrounding which the child has grown up in, stating that playing these games could lead to the increased development of these problems. Dave Grossman, a US military trainer on the realities of war has a much different perspective to the debate on video games and aggression. He states that the continued playing of the game conditions and trains the youthful player into a killing machine, perfectly honed to kill on sight without a thought for the consequences. He develops the argument of Acquired Violence Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AVIDS), liking the disorder to the virus Aids. The disease doesnt kill you but simple destroys your immune system (Grossman). Arguing that the use of violent video games simple desensitises players, trains them to kill (stimulus response) with no thought for the repercussions of their actions. These two studies outline two different ideas on the argument of video games and aggression, but neither conducted first hand testing of the hypothesis of post play aggression. A frequently cited paper that presents evidence supporting the claim that violence in video games leads to violence in real life is: Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviour in the Laboratory and in Life by Craig A. Anderson, Karen E. Dill. The research draws up the hypothesis of General Affective Aggression Model (GAAM). The model included both existing research on human learning and expression and research into media violence effects. The study consisted of two separate tests, a real life test and a laboratory-based test on game players to analyse a link between game play and post play behaviour. Goldstein disputes the merits of laboratory tests on the basis that they are floored due to the subject not playing the game but merely doing as they are told, so the same feelings, and experiences are different to those when the subject is truly playing the game in the comfort of their own home, with individual aims to achieve. The findings of the Anderson and Dill study supported the GAAM model in that post play aggression was evident. This is one of the few studies which have been conducted with any credibility on the topic of game panics, yet the topic is still wide open due to the lack of empirical research for which solid conclusions on the links between play and post play can be drawn. Freedman states that the lack of experimental research is fundamental in not being able to draw a clear link. He states that the demand factor, where the subject believes he has to react in a certain way and the ability to measure post play aggression are two factors which have thus far underlined the research in to video games and violent behaviour. These problems could be rectified by the increased proportion of studies, of by the drawing up of a new study method designed specifically for the examination of video games and not one which has been used to monitor other forms of media and post exposure behaviour. The existing research available on the topic of post play aggression is extremely limited with few pieces able to be seen as complete and giving a total answer to the questions answered. The idea that competitiveness within a game is equally to blame, as violent content needs to be explored as the arousal experienced from winning or losing a competition such as a sports simulation can increase the adrenaline within the body causing an outburst of violence (Fienberg 2002). Similarly the link needs to be addressed that not everyone who plays violent games will go out and kill people and so the link between characteristics innate to the individual are to blame for more severe violent acts and the video games at the moment are being lined up as scapegoats for individuals actions and more research needs to be conducted on the subject. Bibliography 1. Anderson, D.A. Dill, K . E. (2000) Video games and aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviour in the laboratory and in life [online]. Washington: APA Journals. Available from http://www. apa. org/journals/psp/psp784772. html [Accessed 20/10/03]. 2. Funk, J. B. (2001) Children and violent video games: Are there high-risk players? [Online]. Chicago: Playing by the rules conference. Available from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gears The Transmitters of Mechanical Power Essay Example for Free

Gears The Transmitters of Mechanical Power Essay A body under net force is under tranlational motion and a body under net torque is under rotational motion; but they both have something in common and that is both have kinetic energy. This energy can be exploited to do some useful work. The mechanical energy of an object can be used to move another object. Some examples can be a rotating shaft of a motor, which can be used to move a vehicle for public transport. But for this to happen the force, the torque, the mehanical energy or the mechanical power needs to be transmitted from one moving or rotating body to another body. How mechanical force or torque or energy or power is transmitted from one body to another body? There are many ways, many mechanisms like pulley, chain, gears etc. So what is a Gear? Gear is a device, a mechanism through which mechanical force, torque, energy or power is transmitted from one object to another. To draw an analogy gear has same role for mechanical energy that electrical wire has for electrical energy. No not just that role of gear is much more than that. Gears act to increase or decrease the velocity from one moving element to another moving element. This way they has analogy with transformers in electrical domain. A gear is a circular object with a large number of teeth on it and two gears physically engage with each other to transmit mechanical power. This is illustrated in the following picture (http://www. osha. gov/SLTC/etools/machineguarding/animations/gears. html). Figure 1: Two gears engaged with each other In the subsequent sections we will briefly talk about different terminology about gears and about different types of gears: In the most coomon configuration a gear is engaged with another gear. However, it can engage with any other device which has compatible teath. One interesting arrangement is a linear object with teath, which is also termed as Rack. If a gear is engaged with a rack then forms what is known a Rack and a Pinion. It should however, be noted that a rack can be seen as a segment of a gear with infinite radius. Now let us talk about two gears of unequal size engages with each other as in figure 1, above. This combination produces â€Å"mechanical advantage† i. e. angular spee and torque of the second gear is different from that of the first gear. Let us explore this important concept about gears. Mchanical advantage The physical interlocking of the teeth in a pair of gears ensures that circumference of these gears move at the same linear speed. As the angualr speed is circumferential speed divided by its radius; the bigger gear moves at smaller angular speed than the smaller gear engaged with it. Let us look at it from the number of teath consideration. Because the teeth of two engaging gears are locked one to one, by the time all the teeth of the smaller gear have passed the point of contact only a fraction of the teath of the bigger gear has done that. In other words he smaller gear rotates faster than the bigger gear. This results in the following formula (Angular Speed A) x (Number of teeth A) = (Angular Speed B) x (Number of teeth B) or, (Angular Speed A)/ (Angular Speed B) = (Number of Teath B) / (Number of Teath B) This ratio is nothing but Gear Ratio. Similarly, one can dertermine torque ratio. The bigger gear experiences larger torque and vice versa. The torque ratio is equal to the ratio of the radii of the two gears and is inverse of the velocity ratio. Larger torque implies smaller velocity and vice versa. This fact is in confirmity with the law of conservation of energy. In this discussion we have ignored the friction, which dissipates the energy. Velocity ratio being a geometrical term remain unaffected by friction, however there is loss in torque ratio due to friction and thus actual torque ratio is always less than inverse of the velocity ratio. Because, gear is not perfectly circular due to presence of teath on the circumference, there is something called ‘pitch radius’, which is some sort of average between the radius at the root of the teath and at the outer of the teath and is used for these calculations for velocity ratio. Torque ratio etc. The pitch radius depends on the point of contact of the two gears. Also this point of contact keeps changing over time. Due to this the velocity ratio and torque ratio is not constant and instead keeps changing over the period of engagement. These ratios (velocity and torque ratios) that we have discussed so far are gross values and changes from point to point on the gear teath. However, the shape of the tooth can be made such that the velocity ratio remains constant with time on short and long term basis. This is done in good quality gears, because fluctuations in the velocity ratio causes undue vibration, put extra stress on the teeth, which can in turn break as the laod and the speed are many times very high. Keeping the velocity ratio constant is also desired from the precision considerations in devices like delicate instruments, eatches, clocks etc. Now let us compare gears with other mechanisms of mechanical power transmission. Gears and other Means of Power Transmission: There are other mechanisms for mechanical power transmission such as chains, belts, pulleys etc. Each of these has its own advantages and limitations. However, none is as diverse as gears. The problem of slippage is often encountered with these devices and the gears have edge over othe mechanisms. Similarly gears have constant velocity ratio, which is not the case with other devices. However, gears are generally more costly, but this higher cost is initial investment only and is paid back many more times due to very high life of gears than other devices. In the subsequent sections we will talk about different types of gears. Spur gear These are the most simple common gear. This is nothing but a disk with teath projecting radially and the leading edges of the teeth are aligned parallel to the axis of rotation. These gears are used for power transmission between parallel shafts. Such a gear is shown in figur 1, above. Helical gear This is a refinement over spur gear. In this gear the leading edge of the teeth is set at an agle to the axis of rotation and not not parallel to the axis of rotation as in case of spur gear. Because the gear is curved, this makes the tooth to be a segment of a helix. Such a tooth engages more gradually than do spur gear teeth. Therefore, this gear runs smoothly and produces much lesser noise than the spur gear. Besides, helical gear can tranmit power between non-parallel shafts as well. A pair of helical gears can be engage in two ways the shafts can be oriented at at either the sum or the difference of the helix angles of the gears. These configurations of the shafts are known as parallel or crossed, respectively. The parallel configuration is the mechanically more sound than the crossed configuration. In this configuration, the helices of a pair of engaging teeth meet at a common tangent, and therefore, the contact between the tooth surfaces will, is a curve, which extends some distance across their face widths. On the other hand, the helices do not meet tangentially in the crossed configuration, and between tooth surfaces only point contact is achieved. Because of this (the small area of contact), crossed helical gears are and can be used with light loads only. Generally, helical gears come in pairs. The helix angle of one is the negative of the helix angle of the other in this pair and this pair is termed as having a right handed helix and a left handed helix of equal angles. When engaged in the parallel mode, these equal and opposite angles add to zero i. e. the angle between shafts is zero or the the shafts are parallel. When engaged in the crossed configuration, the angle between shafts is twice the helix angle of individual gears. However, it should be borne in mind that parallel configuration of gears and paralles shafts are two different things i. e. parallel configuration of axes may not always lead to parallel shafts. The helical gear is shown in figure 2, below (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Image:Helical_Gears. jpg). Figure 2: Helical gears in parallel and crossed configurations Double Helical Gear This gear is known as herringbone gear as well. This was invented to overcome the problem of axial thrust caused by helical gear. Here teath are of V shape. In this, each gear can be visualized as two standard and mirror image, helical gears stacked. This configuration cancels out the thrust because each half of the gear thrusts in the opposite direction. These can be interchanged with spur gears without changing the bearings.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Successful Project Management

Successful Project Management Here we conclude the research by deriving the best possible practice for a successful project management. For any project to be successful we need to understand what the project is supposed to achieve. Deciding what the real objectives are will help to determine how you go about planning and managing the project. The project manager also needs to define the scope of the project. Deciding which activities are within the scope or out of scope of the project has a big impact on the amount of work which needs to be performed during the project. An understanding of who are the stakeholders is also crucial if suppose we are going to enlist their support and understand what each person expects to be delivered from the project. Once scope and objectives defined , we will need to get the stakeholders to review them and agree to them. So, defining the scope and objectives is the first of any project management best practices. The second best practices is to define the deliverables.To achieve the desired outcome from the project, define what things (or products) are to be delivered by the end of the project. If the project is an advertising campaign for a new chocolate bar, then one of the deliverables might be the artwork for a newspaper advert. So, a need to decide what tangible things are to be delivered and document in enough detail what these things are. At the end of the day, someone will end up doing the work to produce the deliverable, so it needs to be clearly and unambiguously described. Once having defined the deliverables, we will need to have the key stakeholders review the work and get them to agree that this accurately and unambiguously reflects what they expect to be delivered from the project. Once they have agreed, we begin to plan the project. Not defining the deliverables in enough detail or clarity is often a reason why projects go wrong. The third of project management best practices is project planning. this is the time when we define how we will achieve the desired outcome of the project embodied within the objectives and definition of deliverables. Planning requires that the project manager decides which people, resources and budget are required to complete the project. we will need to decide if we will break up our project into manageable phases, decide which products will be delivered in each phase, and decide the composition of our team. Since we have already defined the deliverables, we must decide what activities are required to produce each such as Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) can be used to achieve this. A need to estimate the time and effort required to complete each activity, dependencies between related activities and decide on a realistic schedule to complete the activities. Its always a good idea to involve the project team in estimating how long the activities will take since they will be the ones actually doing the work. Capture all of this into the project plan document. we also need to get the key stakeholders to review and agree that the plan is achievable and realistic. When developing the project plan, a project manager is often under pressure to produce a plan which meets the (unrealistic) expectations of some of the stakeholders. It is important here that the project manager comes up with a realistic schedule one which he/she thinks is realistic to achieve. We will be doing nobody a favour if you succumb to pressure and agree to deliver the project in a totally unrealistic schedule. Even the best made project plans are useless unless they have been communicated effectively to the team. Everyone on the team needs to know exactly what is expected of them, what their responsibilities are, and what they are accountable for. Project communications planning is the fourth of project management best practices. A project communications plan consists of a simple matrix which lists each stakeholder, their information requirements during the project, the names of the people who will produce that information, the frequency and method of communication. For example, we might identify that a key stakeholder requires a written weekly status report of project progress. This report will be produced by the project manager, and will be circulated via email to the appropriate stakeholders. Project communications planning is vital to ensure that everyone concerned gets the right information at the right time from the right person. The fifth project management best practice is tracking the scope, schedule and cost.Once our project is underway and we have an agreed plan, we will need to constantly monitor the actual progress against the planned progress. To do this, we will need to get reports of progress from the team members who are actually doing the work. we will need to record any variations between the actual and planned cost, schedule and scope. we will need to report any variations to our manager and key stakeholders and take corrective actions if the variations get too large. There are lots of ways in which we can adjust the plan in order to get back on track (rearrange the order of tasks, assign tasks in parallel if the variation is small, or add more staff or reduce the scope if the variation is very large). The project manager must constantly juggle three things: cost, scope and schedule. If he/she increases one of these, then one of the other elements will inevitably need to be changed as well. So, for a project which is running behind schedule to recover so it can be delivered to its original planned schedule, the budget might be increased by employing more staff (although this invariably never achieves the desired result of reducing the time left to complete the project), or the scope will need to be reduced. It is the juggling of these three elements known as the project triangle that typically causes a project manager to tear their hair out in frustration. All projects change in some way and managing changes is the next of project management best practices. Often, a key stakeholder in the middle of a project will change their mind about what the project needs to deliver. On projects of longer duration, the business environment has often changed since the start of the project, so assumptions made at the beginning of the project may no longer be valid. This often results in the scope or deliverables of the project needing to be changed. If a project manager simply accepted all of these changes into the project, the project would inevitably be delivered late (and perhaps would never ever be completed) and would inevitably go over budget. By managing changes, the project manager can make decisions about whether or not to incorporate the changes immediately or in the future, or to reject them. This increases the chances of project success because the project manager controls how the changes are incorporated, can allocate resources accordingly and can plan when and how the changes are made. Not managing changes effectively is often cited as a major reason why projects fail. The final best practice is about managing risks. Risks are any events which can adversely affect the successful outcome of the project. Some of the risks are staff lacking the technical skills to perform the work properly, hardware not being delivered on time, the control room being at risk of flooding in a major thunderstorm and many others. Risks will vary from project to project but it is important to identify the main risks to a project as soon as possible and to plan the actions necessary to avoid the risk, or, if the risk cannot be avoided, to at least mitigate the risk in order to lessen its impact if it does occur. This is what is known as risk management. Not managing risks effectively is also often cited as a major reason why projects fail.

Essay --

What is Prison? What is Rehab? A prison or jail is a facility in which individuals are forcibly confined and denied a variety of freedoms under the state’s form of discipline. The use of prisons is as part of a criminal justice system, that charge individuals of convicted of crimes and are confined to a jail or prison. â€Å"Drug rehabilitation is a term for the processes of medical treatment, for dependency on substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs such as cocaine, heroin or amphetamines† (Russel). . The reason for the rehab is to allow the patient to delete substance abuse out of their lives, so they can avoid the legal, physical consequences, social financial that can cause major problems. Treatment provides counseling by experts and sharing of experience with other addicts and, also, medication for depression or other disorders. There are also rehab centers that contain meditation and spiritual wisdom in the treatment process. â€Å"Drug possession is the crime of havi ng one or more illegal drugs in one's possession, either for personal use, distribution, sale or otherwise† (Trejo). Illegal drugs break into brackets. A sentence varies; they can rely on the quantity, the kind of drug, the circumstances, and the jurisdiction. Those convicted on drug possession charges face a wide gamut of penalties at the sentencing, varying from state to state. Penalties for simple possession range from a fine of less than $100 and/or a few days in jail to thousands of dollars and several years in state prison for the same offense. Straightforward drug possession sentences tend be prone to have less harsh penalties, while if caught distributing drugs or the cultivation/manufacturing of drugs carry much heavier penalties. Prosec... ...nce and send them to rehab or the decision of harsh punishment which is to send them to prison. Although I believe drug addicts should go to rehab instead of prison there are individuals who take advantage of rehab treatment, and would rather sit in jail. Consequently drug related criminals whether possession or trafficking take up a third of United States Correctional facilities, and it would make sense to allow those who want to get better to go to rehab instead of taking up space in the prisons. Various types of programs offer help in drug rehabilitation, including: residential treatment in-patient, out-patient, local support groups, extended care centers, recovery or sober houses, addiction counselling, mental health, orthomolecular medicine and medical care. Some rehab centers offer age- and gender-specific programs. These programs cannot be offered in prison.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Western Pennsylvanian Election 1937 and the New Deal :: essays research papers

In an era where men worked hard for what they had but had little to show for it. When large corporate owners were refusing to allow workers into unions came about the New Deal. This proposal would not just change the lives of the workers during this time, it would change the lives of Americans for years to come.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Steel Valley of Western Pennsylvania, 1937, the elections of government officials had changed from years past. There was realignment of the political parties and the political parties switched positions for years to come. With the help of the Little New Deal in Western Pennsylvania, the amount of labor and satisfaction increased.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to president of the United States due to the Depression of the thirties, there was bound to be change. There was a great interest in the ideas of FDR’s New Deal. The interest and approval came for the blue-collar workers and lower-income households. The upper class approval on the other hand was on it way down, because all in all the New Deal would be essentially taking away from the upper class citizens, business owners, and giving middle lower class more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now that these new ideas were being utilized the workers wanted a new form of local government. If they would leave local government the way it was they would always be pushed around. So, middle class Americans would run for local government. The town would be more likely to elect someone who has been in their position before and want to help them out when they would strike rather then bring the police in and break it up. They would need someone with power on their side and that’s what they did.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the year 1936 about fifty percent of the people in Pittsburgh, Pa voted Democratic with about nine percent Republican and three percent for someone else. Thirty seven percent of people didn’t vote. This was a great increase in voters from 1932 when only forty-two percent of the people voted. This showed that as more people voted the republicans still were receiving more votes but the Democrats were running away with the amount of people voting. Because of President Roosevelt’s plan to increase the number of jobs and his willingness to get involved with the large companies, people wanted to see this go through. People wanted to have this security that they were not receiving from the Republican government.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - The Witches Role :: Macbeth essays

In Shakespeare's time, many people were superstitious; they believed that that their lives were strongly influenced, if not dictated by fate. They also thought that the world was full of supernatural creatures, such as witches, ghosts, and many other such beings. Shakespeare incorporated these aspects of belief in his play Mac Beth. The witches, although accurately predicting what would occur, i.e., Mac Beth would be king, they did not specify how their prophecies would be realized. The witches did possess some sort of power (unless they were privy to some political information which MacBeth was not aware of), otherwise, how could they have known that MacBeth had been appointed Thane of Cawdor? Of course, once MacBeth, who, living in such a society, was superstitious, is presented with Cawdor's title, he believes that the other prediction, namely his kingship, must come true. Banquo notes the danger inherent in believing (and subsequently acting on) the witches' predictions; he says, "Were such things here as we do speak about?/Or have we eaten on the insane root/That takes the reason prisoner?" Act I, scene 3, ll.83-85. MacBeth is quite overwhelmed when he hears that he is now the Thane of Cawdor. However, almost immediately, he starts thinking about how to bring about his rule as king. "{Aside} Two truths are told, As happy prologues to the swelling act Of the imperial theme.—I thank you, gentlemen. {Aside} This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? I am the thane of Cawdor. If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, Against the use of nature? Present fears Are less than horrible imaginings; My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man that function Is smothered in surmise; and nothing is But what is not." (1.3.127-141) MacBeth seems to be fantasizing about having a direct role in Duncan's downfall. He apparently believes that the only way to make the witches' predictions come about, is to act on his urges (although he attained the title of Cawdor without any extraneous effort). A wife has a large influence on her husband's thinking. Lady MacBeth tries to persuade MacBeth to murder Duncan. Throughout Act I, scene 5, there are many speeches in which she tries to convince him. However, the monologue most relevant to my theme is Lady MacBeth's first speech:

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Juvenile Probation Essay

Juveniles that are and have been in the court systems are beginning to enumerate. The numbers of theses juveniles are rising, and there are prime key factors that lead to this continuing problem. In the present paper the Probation Officer may be a key factor to the roles that the Probation Officer plays in their life. It is known that Probation Officers have a lot going on with their professional lives and the numbers of Juvenile Delinquents keep rising. The following literature reviews will give some key examples to why the rise of juveniles in the court systems, and why probation officers may have a key part in the factor. In an article by the Houston Chronicle that there needs to be more common sense when it comes to the juvenile justice. â€Å"The Harris County, TX courts made a 37 page report on the problems that they have in the halls. Such problems included the separation of juveniles according to disabilities to serve them better (Rogers, 2010). Another key factor in the rep ort that was stated is how the role models were dressed. There was another problem, the rule book was only in English, and therefore they are updating the rule book to also contain the Spanish version, according to Rogers, 2010. â€Å"The development of a uniform, objective approach to detention decision-making should be a high priority,† as said by Rogers, this is referring to the upgrades to Harris County Juvenile system. The standards that have been in place often sent some kids to the detention center if they missed a week of school, while others who should have been sent to the hall were sent home because there was no room to house the juvenile. Los Angeles County recently have been convicted of crimes or disciplined in the recent years according to Fiske & Winton, 2010. LA County has a high rate of youth incarceration. â€Å"Los Angeles County probation officers are responsible for protecting 3,000  youths in 21 halls and camps, one of the nation’s largest juvenile justice systems†, (Fiske & Winton, 2010). The population in the juvenile halls is down thirty-two percent compared ot 2006. This is due to changing the booking criteria on juvenles. â€Å"As for kids who were lower ri sk or did not present problems to the community, we looked for alternatives other than incarceration such as community supervision by a probation officer, home supervision, and electronic monitoring,† (Vilacorte, C., 2011). There was aOne incident had included a Probation Officer having sex with three of the youth where she had worked. In another incident, a Probation Officer directed five other girls to beat up another for taking a cell phone. This particular department has been under federal investigation due to failing to prevent report and document child abuse (Fiske& Winton, 2010). There has been a ten step plan that is newly being implemented for the sake of the probation officers duties and the youth of the county. Alameda County Probation Department lists some definite problems in the juvenile probation department. It lists the alternative detention programs that will focus more on the particular juveniles that are in need and help them, versus sitting in a cell and conjuring up ideas what they can find to do. When the juveniles do this, more ideas are negative, as they have lived their lives this way, so the ideas are troublesome. In this environment they are kept busy, and the probation officer has a minimal surveillance of the client. According to Alameda County website, some of the programs are weekend trips and some are an inpatient treatment, which will decrease the time the probation officer is with this certain individual, and could give more time to another child. A few of the different camps are the weekend trainings, in which there are three different ways to be sent here. In one way, the probation officer can send the juvenile there for informal weekend training. There is also two other weekend trainings that are ordered by the courts to complete. The main Juvenile hall is capable of being home to 299 juveniles. This is a secured detention center that teaches the juveniles the education they need, and since the population is so high, there is a risk assessment that is completed upon coming to the hall, and it needs to make sure this is the right place for the juvenile, and they are receiving the rig ht resources for them to grow on. There is a camp that is call Camp Wilmont Sweeney, in which the camp is unlocked, and is designed to have the juveniles sent back  into the community to be productive and use what they have learned in the camp to learn from their mistakes and not to repeat them. In a document devised by Shay Bilchik, 1996, a survey was sent to Probation Officers throughout the United States. It was sent out to find out the problems of the Juvenile systems, and address the needs of the juveniles in the country. Many of the problems addressed were pertaining to job in whole. Problems stated were not enough staff, there were limited resources for the Probation Officers, and they had too many cases for the work that they do. From comparison of cases throughout the United States, New York is understaffed compared to Chicago, and even though there is an age difference in the jurisdictions between the states, the older juveniles also portrays a need for more probation officers. â€Å"Probation may be used as front ends of the line for first time offenders are juveniles that are low risk offenders. They an also be used as a back end, when someone is in confinement for a more serious offender (Bilchik, 1996). The duties vary in the probation are from state to state, but for the most part, there are key function that are there to complete, such as the intake screening of the juvenile, presentence of investigation of juveniles and court ordered supervision f the juvenile offenders, Bilchik, 1996). Another role in the part of juvenile probation officers is that they cannot have a cap on how many cases they have such as other places my stop taking people after so many have come through the door. There are many cases the safety is at stake when the probation officer has to meet with the juveniles. The on the job safety has risen to levels of showing that this profession is getting dangerous. As reported through the survey, almost one-third of the probation officers had been assaulted sometime during their career. In the Los Angeles County, there have been some legal groups that have gathered and imposed a lawsuit against the county for not providing education to the juveniles in the county with the largest facility. The education is needed for juveniles to have when they are released from the detention centers, and get into the community for jobs and higher education. The lawsuit claimed that there has been more worksheets given to the delinquents and not enough classroom time given and there was no help given to those who would ask. â€Å"The lawsuit is the result of a months-long investigation by the legal groups and details one recent instance of a young man, incarcerated in county probation camps for most of  his high school years, who was awarded a high school diploma despite being unable to read or write†, (ACLU, 2010). The Challenger center which is one of the detention centers located in Los Angeles County, CA, has about 50 students. I thas been the target of an ongoing investigation for maltreatment and poor supervision of the students attending the place. According to Tony Cook, 2008, Juvenile probation officers are the Jekylls and Hydes of the legal community, hybrids of cop and social worker, enforcer and buddy†. The newspaper article looked at a former colleiate boxing champ, Kevin Eppenger took on a juvenle probation position. The courts and jusdges as well as county officials are concerned over the rise in the juvenile courts in Clark COunty. He stated that â€Å"Eight to 10 years ago you could actually be a role model to them, get a burger.† And now, he holds more than 70 juvenile cases, and the casses are thicker than the ones he used tohave. â€Å"The number of juveniles probation officers supervise has swelled from an average of 39 per officer in 2003 to 56 in 2007†(Cook, 2008). And today many of the probation officers have more than seventy cases each. There used to be a time when the juvenile that didn’t show up for a meeting was searched for at the arcade or other places. Kevin Eppenger has no time to do that as he is in court, with the juveniles or admitting new juvenile to the probation department. He says it is very hard to build a relationship with the juven iles doing business this way. Jeff Jones is another probation officer that works in Clark County as a probation officer. He says that his case load is near eighty, and he has actually lost count. â€Å"I stopped counting,† Jeff Jones said. â€Å"If you worry about the numbers, you become ineffective.† There used to be personal meeting with the probation officer and the juvenile, now they have to meet with three or four of the kids at one time. They said they don’t get too personal during the meetings, like they would on a one- to – one. And to see the juveniles outside of the office is a rareity now for the two probation officers. To have two hours with a juvenile each month is saying a lot, and they have only hired two additional probation officers since 2003. â€Å"In Washoe County, probation officers average about 50 cases. Officers in Arizona’s two most urban counties — Pima County, which includes Tucson, and Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix — carry 30 and 34 cases, respectively. And in Utah, Salt Lake County probation officers average about 25 cases†, (Cook, 2008). This  is getting tough for theprobation officers, as most of the juvenles are repeating offenses while on probaton. This also has an impact on the county, as the department asks for funds to hire some more probation officers, but it is up to the budget whether or not they are able to hire the ones they want. The term â€Å"kids these days† has changed its perspective of what it used to be. Ten years ago, kids were more afraid to carry a gun and get caught, whereas now they are carrying knives and guns and are having no fear in using them. The kids have no sense of consequences, and the family value that used to be, has gone down. This also makes the jobs of the people working with the kids more of a challenge, as they try to stay a step ahead and teach the kids. Conclusion: The numbers of juveniles that are standing in court rooms, and spending time in detention centers, are rising. It is the profession of the probation officer to struggle to deal with the troubled youth. There are many issues that are going on with the youth, but there are also issues that are happening with the probation officer and the career they are in. Throughout the United States there are issues that are happening in the detention Halls, and through the Probation Departments. The juveniles are the ones that are losing out, although it is the choice of the juvenile to cause the trouble that they are in. This is what is called a double edged sword, where it could possibly be both the probation and juveniles, why there are problems happening in the system. Recommendations: In the research project, it is imperative to think that alone the probation officer can do such things as hiring more staff to assist with all the more juveniles that are entering and remaining in the system. Although in the light it would be wise to stay proactive with the youth, and find what is driving the youth to be like they are, and end up in the courts. In sightfulness, it is plain to see that society play a bill toll on the juveniles lives. It is also the media that will show the curiousity of kids, they will try what they see, or they just think they are invincible to  whatever approaches them. In some other kids it is the environment that they get involved in,, such as parents going through a divorce, what could be happening at home, and also some friends that the child may have. Whatever the case for the rising amounts of misappropriation in the probation department, it could also have something to do with the economy of the child for the hard job of the PO’s. †¢ Juvenile Delinquency: The Core, 3e, Larry J. Siegel, Brandon C. Welsh –  © Cengage Learning †¢ This book had certain things to say in reference to the topic. Chapter 14 of this book is about the probation of juveniles, and the system †¢ Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, †¢ This book had certain things to say in reference to the topic. The website is related to Juveniles and Probation †¢ Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Courts †¢ This book had certain things to say in reference to the topic. It gives scenarios of Juveniles whose lives have been spent in delinquency. †¢ Alameda County Probation Department I chose this article, as it lists some problems in the juvenile probation department. I am gathering information that is clearly relevant between the information that I am gathering. †¢ Records reveal problems in LA county juvenile probation office This newspaper article lists some of the mishaps that were found in the Los Angeles juvenile probation office. This information could be pertinent as this is what I am doing my final report on. †¢ Houston chronicle reports that there needs to be more common sense when it comes to the juvenile justice. The Harris county courts made a 37  page report on the problems that they have in the halls. Such problems include the separation of juveniles according to disabilities to serve them better. Another is how the role models are dressed. References Alameda County Probation Department American Civil Liberties Union. (2010). Landmark Federal Class-Action Lawsuit Charges Los Angeles County with Failure to Educate Youth in Probation Camps Cook, T. (2008, April 28). Rising Cases Keep Probation Officers from Involvement in Children’s Lives. Las Vegas Sun. Hennessy-Finke, M. & Winton, R. (2010, February 21). Records reveal problems in L.A. County juvenile probation office. Juvenile Delinquency: The Core, 3e, Larry J. Siegel, Brandon C.Welsh –  © Cengage Learning Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Courts in the 1990’s, Wilson, 2000. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Rogers, B. (2010, January 27). Study: Common sense needed at juvenile hall. Houston Chronicle

Friday, August 16, 2019

Developing and maintaining trust at work Essay

Developing and maintaining trust at work is essential for structure and balance within the working environment and for a business to be successful in its chosen fields. Trust is built on the following, respect, honesty, integrity, communication, attitude, approachability, manners and commitment. Trust can be broken down by using a trust model that then incorporates decision-making factors and situational factors. Decision making factors consist of the following: How risk tolerant is the trustee? How well adjusted is he/she? Situational factors consist of the following: How similar are the parties involved? How secure do the parties feel? Does the trustee show concern? Have they shown predictability and integrity? Do the parties have good communication between them? How much power do they have? Confidentiality is important for building and keeping trust in the work place, from senior managers down to the different departments within the business and onto the different workstations on the shop floor. When an employee confides in a person, who is in a position of trust, it is then that persons responsibility to keep and make sure that the information given to them is kept in the strictest confidence unless told otherwise by the trustee. Any breach of this confidentiality will break down trust between the parties involved and do serious damage to any respect that existed between them it would also have an knock on effect through all departments within the organisation and in worse case scenarios it could lead to legal action being carried out. Building the team An example of a group in my place of work is our start of shift meeting between the shift manager/myself the team leader/cell leaders/logistics charge hand/ line leaders from packing and assembly/the maintenance department. The shift manager would then â€Å"chair† the meeting and explain the running of the shift that day i.e. any changeovers, the availability of paper and labels and any quality issues found from the day before by the shift following us in. The manager would then give us our overall meterage figure from the day before. Everyone would then inform the manager of any immediate manning or relevant issues within their departments. All department heads would return to their respected work areas and relay the relevant information to their teams. I myself after having a face to face brief with my manager and my cell leaders would return to my cell and brief my team which (depending on the time in the season ) Consists of four machine operators and two packers of any relevant issues that could affect our cell for that day. I would then take the time to address any problems that immediately would face us i.e. Health and safety in our immediate area and surrounding area, housekeeping issues, machine target speeds and any other problems my operators/packers may have I also then delegate everyone on their individual tasks for that day. When groups are formed they go through different stages before they can become effective and established. The four stages were first recognised by Bruce Tuckman, these stages are Forming/Storming/Norming and Performing.I can recognise and relate to these four stages in my work place. As a team/cell leader my cell consists of four machine operators, which is usually a mix of both permanent and temporary staff. At the start of our busy period/season im given between one and two new temporary machine operators for a period of a fortnight for training they first get introduced to the other members in my cell and start to learn what is expected of them by the company, And what is expected of them by me within the cell this is the Forming stage. Once the operator has met certain standards and requirements and has shown an ability to combat and recognise our biggest enemy which is waste I sign the operator off on my check sheet and then they will be allocated a machine to run on their own within the cell, They will start to become more confident in their own ability and the environment in the cell, I will try and encourage the operator to voice their opinions and concerns regarding decisions I make within the cell, This is the Storming stage. The temporary operator should now be feeling like one of the team and should be hitting their meterage targets and now will be confident to share any ideas they might have with myself and the rest of the team. This is the Norming stage. Everyone in the cell as a whole is hitting their production targets and the temporary operator is feeling established and comfortable of running any machine in the cell and running a machine through break on break cover with another operator without supervision. This is the Performing stage. Tuckman added a fifth stage which is Mourning, This stage does occur in a cell when the team loses a valuable member to another cell and when the temporary operator leaves at the end of the season. It does have a significant effect in my experience on my team’s morale, structure and sometimes even their attitude.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Football After School Essay Essay

What Parental feelings does McCarthy explore in the poem and how does she use language to present them to you? Football after school is a poem about a mothers, or the poets’, struggles in the harsh realisation of her son maturing, and having to experience school. Patricia is feeling powerless and worried about her sons inevitable future of him going to school which he has to endure. We observe the poet sharing her thoughts, and images, in each verse her view changes on how she thinks her son will combat â€Å"Football After School† . The theme of football fears her, as he â€Å"dribbles the sin about the place†, which conveys how she thinks the football as the â€Å"sun† will become his life, and will become his focus rather than his mother before. We see her worries change, from be concerned about how she can help him and how his attitudes will change when he matures into a teenager. The mother is caring for her son, but we don’t know how the son feels towards the mother. Insecurity is a key role in how the mother feels, as she becomes more distant to her f ragile son growing up. McCarthy explores the idea of growing up is inevitable, and insists to the son that he is going to mature and play football with the repetition of â€Å"You’ll† and â€Å"you† secures the certainty of her son having to grow up, and the mother is understanding this by empathising on it, particularly in the begining as the perfect rhyme empathises this imminent future, and how convinced McCarthy is that her son is going to grow up to be â€Å"common†. There is a continuous theme of worry that the world of school will be violent and aggressive. The use of alliteration produces an image of potential violence â€Å"stiff striped dagger†, the alliteration has harsh continents adding to the aggression of the â€Å"dagger†, as they are â€Å"stiff† is describing the harsh strength of the dagger and â€Å"striped† makes the imagery of the â€Å"dagger† pain. The image of â€Å"warpaint slicked over your face†, this imagery is symbolising battles within school, and how this paint makes you look stronger and confident. The use of harsh sounding images, and actions â€Å"butting it with your head† adds to the violence of the boys later life. Football, being a sport which is sometimes competitively aggressive, making the mother fear her sons teenage development, â€Å"with the premature swagger of manhood†, showing the bravado attitude, and false over confidence, along with â€Å"language jeers†, which describes the pretentious and arrogant teenage future mindset compared to now being young and having â€Å"porcelain skin†. The metaphor of â€Å"Dwarf a tree, stab a flower† illustrates the violent contrast of images, he does this by a â€Å"kick†, this is portraying how his actions reverse what they were previously were, which reflect how he is going to develop, transform and switch characters. As now he is fragile, and later he will have â€Å"premature swagger of manhood†, evoking him growing up and becoming a ‘man’, further to the point she adds that it is â€Å"premature†, which echoes the fact that she thinks he will be too young to mature, ripen and have â€Å"granite jowls†. The poet negatively looks on violence and aggression, doubting her sons ability as the poem moves on. In the 3rd and 4th verses we see the mother apprehending, which is contrasting with before as she expected her son to be involved in bullying, rather than now fearing her son will be the victim of bullying no longer having â€Å"stiff striped dagger†, as he would have to â€Å"tackle fouls with ink stained fists and feet†. The alliteration of the â€Å"f† is adding to the aggression of the language, and the voice sounds like it is struggling to overcome emotions along with the imagery conveying the boy as more of an academic child who had been studying, than being a football player. We can  see that he would â€Å"be clever enough†, which shows the mother has hope in her son, even if he is a ‘geek’. In the previous verses Patricia had started on positive comments, however as she sees the weaker side of her son she says, â€Å"Yet† and â€Å"not hooligan enough†, which are showing how she thinks her son may turn out to be skimpy and lacking in courage. This is a clear change in the tone of her voice as she begins to fear her sons vulnerability, reflecting how her son may turn out to be. This image of the boy having â€Å"to sample punches below the belt†, portrays the image of being bullied, and being an​  illegal ​  boxing move, it will still be allowed in schools,  and some children have to â€Å"sample† it, and put up with it as they can’t fight back, and usually â€Å"sample† means you are trying something because you want to rather than having to be forced, this juxtaposes . Patricia McCarthy successfully uses enjambment to convey her ideas running on as the lines progress, because her ideas are building up and becoming stronger in what she believes will happen. McCarthy says â€Å"punches below the belt from one you know†, the next line â€Å"Without flinching. I can’t prevent† , as she advances in the foreshadowing future, and her feelings are overflowing, which is stopped by the sudden caesura which make her ideas change, and she puts herself in to shelter her son. The mother is constantly trying to protect her sons future, as he would be exposed to the life of school. Patricia doesn’t want to imagine her child growing up as he has â€Å"porcelain skin†, showing he is delicate, precious and cant be touched or harmed, compared with â€Å"their granite jowls†, which are opposites, and show life can toughen you, and you will crack if you stay porcelain. Later on in the poem, Patricia uses juxtaposing ideas to, â€Å"turn bullies into cement†, the use of a more modern material later shows as time goes on the material becomes modern and he toughens up. The mother admits that she thinks her son is, â€Å"too vulnerable for living†, showing she â€Å"can’t prevent crossbones on your knees†, this creates an image of poison and evil on her sons knees which she wishes she could help, but  she can’t protect him at school, therefore he is defenceless. McCarthy is hoping for her son, to stand up for himself, and not â€Å"to trample into the sod your shadow that grows twice as fast as yourself†, because she doesn’t want him to be in the darkness that developes quicker around him and have no friends, and the violent gesture of ‘trampling’, shows her concerns for the constant aggression at schools if he is alone in gloom, people will be able to hurt him as he has nobody to protect him. She also says she can’t â€Å"confiscate the sun†, further repetition of the â€Å"sun† being the football or life, she is saying she can’t be liable for what happens at school, as it i not the end of life even if â€Å"they’ll punter and put out†. However she says â€Å"you’ll be picking scabs of kisses off your skin†, she is telling him that he will have to stand up for himself, but there is juxtaposing imagery of scabs and kisses, this maybe describing how he is growing up, no longer needing kisses son consequent get â€Å"picked off† as he gets â€Å"kicked†. Being oxymoronic plays with the comparison of changing images and how the mother is actually feeling inside as she still  anxious about the prospects of violence in the school, as using emotions of â€Å"kisses† reminds her of wanting to protect him. The rhyming pattern throughout the poem does not stay constant, as the poets feelings change and thoughts develop. The first verse is a confident perfect rhyme as she is projecting her certainty as to how her son will turn out to be. Her assurance changes as the rhyme stops being so constant in the rhyme, but still including two lines of perfect rhyme until the fourth verse when it isn’t as perfect compared to the first. this reflects how the mothers hope changes, until the last paragraph where it is perfect until she projects her own thoughts. Her realisation at the end has no rhyme, illustrating the change in her emotions. The poets has an insight into her concerns for her son as she has regrets in her school life, the poet reflects the mood of the mothers thoughts. She doesn’t want him to idolise her previous life at school, as she wants him â€Å"not to inherit her  fragility†, so he can stick up to bullies, as he will still be delicate with â€Å"porcelain skin†, which will break as he has not developed â€Å"granite jowls†. Overall McCarthy burrowed into all of her parental feelings, justifying her fears which many other parents understand and do not like to have to experience. Being a woman she expresses her emotions more, making the poem test her affection in the rhythm of the poem.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Kohlberg and piaget’s moral development

Elizabeth, a seven year old child, was forbidden by her mother to play inside the house or else she’ll tie her up side down.   One day, her little friends invited her to play a â€Å"chasing† game.   Ã‚  Because she was not to play inside the house, she told her friends to play outside the house.   They got bored with the game and decided to change it into hide and seek.   Elizabeth, a very competitive child, doesn’t want to be caught by anyone.   She decided to hide inside the house keeping in mind to be as careful as possible.But unfortunately for her, her friend Aspen, who was the seeker, saw her enter the house and followed her.   Elizabeth got nervous when she saw Aspen.  Ã‚   In the instant that Aspen entered the house, Elizabeth quickly ran towards the door but she was caught by Aspen.   They grab each other so that one of them might reach the base first.   But as they grab each other they bump into vase stand.   The vase fell and break s. Her mother caught them.   Elizabeth told her mother that it’s not her fault and include Aspen as well.Commonly, children exhibits a pre-conventional level of way of thinking, that is,   they enter the first and second stage of Kohlberg’s six stages of moral development   (Nucci, 2002).   In stage 1, children conceived an action to be right or wrong according to the punishment their parents give them.   In stage 2, the concept developed by a child is like â€Å"you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours†.  For Piaget, children are more worried about the results and consequences of what they have done rather than the true reason underlying their action (Nucci, 2002). Applying these theories to Elizabeth’ situation, she would think of horrible situations like her mother’s going to tie her up side down.   Maybe she’ll also think of different scenarios like she’ll not allow her to play ever again.   Another thing, sh e’ll make sure that Aspen will take her punishment too – this is to include the â€Å"you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours†.  Ã‚   Obviously, the child’s age is appropriate to the stage since Elizabeth is exhibiting both the characteristics that Piaget and Kohlberg described.ReferenceNucci, L. (2002, February 15).   Studies in Moral Development and Education: An Overview.Retrieved September 23, 2007, from

Adv Disadvantages of Leadership Development Methods

Professional qualifications that require refreshing will be supported if they are an essential criteria for the post| * Trust induction * Trust Essential Update training * Manual Handling * Professional re-registration training * PRINCE2, MSP, LEAN| * Provides an understanding of how the Trust works * Provides health and safety training * Sends out a clear message that professional registration is recognised, important and is supported| * Trust induction training tends to be very generic and does not necessarily relate to the job role * Training for re-registration is not always timely * Is dependent on funding * Cost implications of ensuring that the training budget can cover training| Elective Learning| Courses that are not part of the essential criteria for the post will be deemed to be elective and will be subject to the trust policy on supported learning| * Courses identified as part of the personal development plan * Influencing skills * Negotiating skills * MS Project/Other IT Skills * Meets specific needs for the individual * Can be delivered by others in the team or by a generic course * Ensures that leaders are given requisite skills| * Some generic courses do not cover specific requirements * Is dependent on funding being available| Work Assignments| Work assignments will be seen as an opportunity to help leaders develop specific competencies or practice key behaviours. * Specific goals will be set as part of personal development plans * Feedback on progress will be done either via formal appraisal or by 1:1 feedback with line managers| * Reiterates the message that lessons can always be learned * Gives leaders the growth opportunities to put theories and models into practice * Learning by doing| * Unless well managed there is a tendency to concentrate on ‘getting the job done’ * Opportunities are not always recognised or used to the full advantage| Special Assignments/Initiatives| Involvement in short-term assignments or initiatives either generated from within the team or as part of a project team| * Attendance at programme or project board meetings * Involvement in assignments/initiatives

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

'English Criminal law fails to deal with the drug supplier whose Essay

'English Criminal law fails to deal with the drug supplier whose client dies after voluntarily self-injecting or ingesting in a consistent and principled manner Discuss - Essay Example This is a question English criminal law seems to provide us with inconsistent answers. In some cases such as R v. Kennedy2this has been considered as unlawful act manslaughter, while in other cases, such as R v. Evans3this hasbeen considered as gross negligence manslaughter. It is however rare to have drug supplier charged with murder. According to Mitchel4, it is not possible to charge a drug supplier with murder because their actions do have the mensrea(guilty mind) needed to prove murder. The English criminal law are however clear on that the supply of drugs is unlawful act. The unlawfulness of supplying drugs is specified in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 specifies that it is an offence to be in possession of controlled drugs5; to have the controlled drugs with intention to supply it6; supplying unlawful drug7; and allowing your premise to be used for supplying drugs.8 Therefore, if someone dies from the drug supplier’s unlawful act of supplying drug, the drug supplier should be charged with unlawful act manslaughter. The criminal law on unlawful manslaughter or constructive manslaughter, requires sufficient prove of unintentionallinkbetween the supplier’s act and the death of the client for the supplier to be held liable9. Therefore, for the supplier to be held liable of manslaughter, it must be proved that the death of the drug user is attributed to the actions of the supplier10. The court needs to determine that were it not for the drug supplier’s act, the deceased could not have died (factual causation). Further to that, the court needs to prove that the act of the supplier was sufficiently significant in the death of the user(legal causation).English courts have failed to apply the principle of causation in a consistent and principled manner in most cases involving involuntary manslaughter11. It seems that, at