Saturday, November 30, 2019
Salmon Essays (1909 words) - Salmon, Oncorhynchus, Thamnophis
Salmon What species would travel over 2000 miles just to have young and then die? It has been said that anyone who has not seen a wild salmon has not seen what a fish should be. Salmon was the common name applied to fish characterized by an elongated body covered with small, rounded scales and a fleshy fin between the dorsal fin and tail. In this paper I will be discussing history of studying salmon, the life cycle, spawning and mating behaviors; which has much to do with the total reproduction of salmon. Salmon were studied earlier than some may think. Experiments were done by men that date back to the mid-1600s. These experiments involved catching salmon in fresh water, tagging them, and then catching them again when they return to the same place, around six months later. These experiments were doubtful and it was not until the beginning of the 1900's that proof was available that the salmon returned home. (Shearer) Although usually drab in color before the breeding season, which varies with the species, members of the salmon family develop bright hues at spawning time. The male, during this mating season, usually develops a hooked snout and a humped back. In many diverse taxa, males of the same species often exhibit multiple mating strategies. One well-documented alternative male reproductive pattern is 'female mimicry,' whereby males assume a female-like morphology or mimic female behavior patterns. In some species males mimic both female morphology and behavior. We report here female mimicry in a reptile, the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). This form of mimicry is unique in that it is expressed as a physiological feminization. Courting male red-sided garter snakes detect a female-specific pheromone and normally avoid courting other males. However, a small proportion of males release a pheromone that attracts other males, as though they were females. In the field, mati ng aggregations of 5-17 males were observed formed around these individual attractive males, which we have termed 'she-males.' In competitive mating trials, she-males mated with females significantly more often than did normal males, demonstrating not only reproductive competence but also a possible selective advantage to males with this female-like pheromone. In the competitive mating trials, the she-males were successful in 29 out of 42 trials. The normal males won out in only 13! The authors ask the question: Why aren't all males she-males given such an advantage? (Mason, Robert T., and Crews, David; Female Mimicry in Garter Snakes, Nature, 316:59, 1985.) Comment. Among the fishes, bluegills and salmon (and probably many others) have female-appearing males competing with normal males. Abstract: The influence of sperm competition and individual mating behaviour in an externally fertilizing species of fish, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), is estimated from video observations of multiple-male spawnings and subsequent paternity analyses. One male dominated the paternity during polygamous spawnings, fathering more than 80% of the progeny in a single nest. Behavioural analyses of the spawnings showed that the first-mating male had sperm precedence in 6 out of 10 cases. In three of the other spawnings, sperm limitation likely influenced individual success, as the first-mating male had participated in a large number of spawnings. In the final, nearly simultaneous spawning, male size was more important than the 0.6-s difference in spawning times. Thus, male fertilization success can be influenced by a variety of factors, including sperm precedence, male size, and spawning history. Back to Table of Contents Before mating, one parent excavates a nest for the eggs; after the eggs are deposited and fertilized, the female stirs up the stream bottom so that earth and stones cover the eggs and protect them. The eggs hatch in two weeks to six months, depending on the species and the water temperature. During the migrations and nest-building activity that precede mating, neither the females nor the males consume food. In the life cycle of the pacific salmon, nature recycles the parents to feed the babies. Mature salmon leave the Pacific Ocean as saltwater fish, never again to eat as they battle their way up the Columbia River to spawn in the home stream where they were born. Those born in the upper reaches of the Columbia River's tributary stream, the Snake River, travel more than
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom Toyota History essay
buy custom Toyota History essay The companys leadership and management strategies have been considered to be one of the best in the automotive industry, which has explained why the company has been very successful. For a company to be successful, there have to be strong leaders who have a personal drive and are focused. This is because the leaders are the main decision makers of the company and they have to come up with good strategies and also come up with ways of formulating these strategies into action, which are aimed at the customer satisfaction, and the profit maximization of the company. Toyota Company adapted the Porters 4 generic strategies; the differentiation strategy, the cost leadership strategy, the differentiation focus strategy, and the cost focus strategy (, 2010). Toyota used the differentiation strategy to come up with new products and brands through the use of the new technology and its unique channels, where the company only charged a price, which was premium for the product. The company also used the cost leadership strategy to become one of the automotive industrys lowest-cost producers. Toyota used the differentiated focus strategy to ensure customer satisfaction to all the different consumer needs like the production of the Lexus, which is a luxurious car for the consumers with the luxurious needs. In the cost focus strategy, the company aimed at seeking a lower-cost advantage. Toyotas combination of strategies has changed drastically over the years. This is because the company had to adapt new strategies, which would have been aimed to consumer satisfaction. The consumers tastes and preferences are also changing with the time, which showed that the model of car, which was in high demand in the early 1940s, is not the same car, which is in high demand in the 21st century. Toyota had to come up with innovative strategies so as to be able to come up with new car models through the maximization of the companys opportunities, which include the presence of an advanced technology and the employees of the company, which has enabled the company to increase its levels of productivity and reliability. This is evident, when the company made the Toyopet, which was a very famous car in 1947; in 1955, the Crown was produced, which was a luxury car. The Crown cannot be compared to the Lexus of the 1980s; although both cars are luxurious cars, the Lexus is more advanced in technology showing that the company has evolved over the years. Toyotas strategy fits with the automobile industrys environment. Environmental issues have been recently reported to be a main issue, which is affected the automotive industry. This is where the environmental damage, caused by the automobile industry, was considered to be very high and where the company had to come up with a strategy of the production of fuel efficient cars, which are more environmentally friendly. Toyotas innovative strategy made the use of hybrid cars, which adapted the dominance of the internal combustion engine on the basis of the social and technological forces. The adaption of hybrid cars by the executives of Toyota Company was through the use of the latest technology, which is evolving at a very fast rate (Melosi, 2010). This adaption of hybrid vehicles was a very good strategic move by the executives of the Toyota Company. It was a great success because the introduction of the Prius by Toyota instigated the use of hybrid technologies by other companies as well. The continuous growth in prices increases awareness about the environmental contingencies. These hybrid cars are very friendly to the environment since they produce less pollution and the demand for them is very high, which is a great opportunity for the company (, 2010). The internal resources of Toyota Company are what the company possesses, including all the assets, the people and the brand name value. The resources in a company represent all the inputs, which are put towards the production process of the company. They are further divided into tangible resources, which include the financial, physical and technological resources; and the intangible resources, which include the human resources, innovative and the reputational resources. Toyotas strategy fits with the competences and the core resources of the firm. Toyota has the ability to continuously come up with revolutionary innovations, which help to boost the companys sales and also widen the profit margins. This shows that Toyota has great and substantial innovation resources, which are very hard to be imitated by the companys close competitors and they are very valuable to the company. With effective human resource management, the company is able to provide skills through training of employees, which would equip them with necessary knowledge and skills, required to produce a better output. The motivation of employees in a company is very vital, since it contributes to the profitability of the company in terms of an increase in the output levels, since the motivated employees are willing to work and produce more. Through its reputational resources, Toyota can be able to differentiate itself from its close competitors. Toyota was recognized as the largest automotive company and it plays an important role in car industry. The competences of Toyota are the capabilities that actually serve as a competitive advantage over the close competitors like Toyota, Honda, and Isuzu. Competitive advantage is a strategic advantage that a company or business has over its close and rival businesses in the competitive industry, and the companys competitive advantage makes it stronger in the business environment. The core competency of Toyota is the brand management and the supply chain management. Toyota has valuable capabilities, which help the company to neutralize all the threats and also to exploit the opportunities. These are examples of rare capabilities, which are not usually available to other close competitors of Toyota. This is because they are actually very hard to imitate because the competitors of Toyota cannot be able to develop them very easily because they are invisible to the competitors and are unique. These core competences in Toyota usually emerge over a period of time, which is done through the companys organizational process, aimed at the accumulation and the learning of how the company can deploy the different capabilities and resources at its disposal. The value chain analysis and the criteria for judging the sustainabiility of Toyotas competitive advantage are the two core concepts, which are used for the identification and the building of the core competencies in the company. The recommendation to the executives of Toyota Corporation My recommendation to the executives of Toyota Company is that they should come up with leadership management strategies since as the leaders of the company they should be able to come up with good decisions, concerning the company, since they have management responsibilities, in which they have to ensure that the company is a success. The main aim of the executives of Toyota Company is to move the organization into attaining a high performance through the operational planning and making it a global visionary company. The management responsibilities of the executives in the Toyota Company include activities like training and management of staff performance, customer interface management, risk reduction in the company, and the engagement of the stakeholders of the company. These executives of Toyota Company should act like role models and be aimed towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of the company. In the majority of cases, the company has been accused of being the largest in the consumer fraud cases, which has been associated with the executives of the company. This builds a very bad name for the company, thus, calls for good leadership qualities of the executives, which include practicing good communication skills, being honest to the stakeholders of the company, being visionary, not being self-centered, be quick in taking actions in the protection of the stakeholders of the company, and motivating. My learning outcome is that competition in the automotive industry is very high and has been noted to increase each day because it has no limitations to new entrants into the market. The increasing competitiveness of the automotive industry has posed a very great threat to the company. Therefore, for the company to be able to survive in the competitive industry, it is important to come up with good strategies, which can sustain the competitive advantage of the company. A combination of strategies can make a company to soar into great heights since they will be consumer friendly and will be mostly aimed at the satisfaction of the needs of the consumers so as to increase the total annual sales of the company. The internal strengths, the core resources, and the competences of Toyota are the core strong points of the company. When the Toyota Company knows its strengths, the available resources, its competencies, it helps the company to state its aims and objectives, because the internal strengths are crucial to the company and if they are maximized, the company can be able to attain its goals, which are the profit maximization and customer satisfaction. These elements are very useful for the company since they can enable the company to summarize and clarify all the major key issues that face the company. These issues may include the strong competition in the automotive industry among others. They can also help the company to spot new business opportunities and fully use them. The unique resources and the competencies of Toyota have enabled the company to attain a sustainable competitive environment Buy custom Toyota History essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Comment Etiquette
Comment Etiquette Comment Etiquette Comment Etiquette By Maeve Maddox Paul Krugman, in his capacity of Op-Ed columnist for the New York Times, recently felt the need to remind his readers to stay on topic when commenting on his posts. The admonition to stay on topic is found in every article on the subject of web comment etiquette. etiquette: the customary code of polite behavior in society; good manners. â€Å"Stay on topic†is one of the five basic rules offered by the editors at 1. Be specific. 2. Don’t leave a link. 3. Stay on topic. 4. Be nice. 5. Keep it brief. In Online Community Management for Dummies, Deborah Ng offers a longer list of rules; â€Å"stay on topic†is in there, as are these two useful recommendations: Practice respectful disagreement, not personal attacks. Be brief and don’t turn every comment into your own personal blog post. In her article â€Å"Are You a Blog Hog?†, blogging coach Molly Greene gives this definition of a â€Å"blog hog†: You might be a blog hog if you hijack someone else’s blog and use your comment to toot your own horn, discuss your accomplishments ad infinitum without being asked, hog the thread, dominate the conversation vs. join it, or take it upon yourself to jump in and reply to every question or comment other visitors make. She follows this definition with specific remedies for bloghogitis. Two of her recommendations are to tailor comment length to the type of post being responded to, and to avoid turning the comment into a lengthy rewrite of what the author of the blog has already written. Although the term â€Å"blog hog†isn’t used, Leigh Alexander seems to be describing one in an article about the kinds of comment people leave: The Person Who Wants To Talk About Something Else Entirely. This individual typically devotes several paragraphs to a personal anecdote tangentially related to a sentence or two in the article. They seem oblivious to the fact that they are spiraling off into their own universe. Readers’ comments are a valuable addition to a blog. The most appreciated comments are the good-natured ones that focus on the post topic. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesTelling a Good Poem from a Bad One13 Theatrical Terms in Popular Usage
Thursday, November 21, 2019
As a Medical Administrative Assistant Assignment
As a Medical Administrative Assistant - Assignment Example Secondly, I would ensure that there are solutions for the above-mentioned drawbacks by providing an opportunity for patients to air their thoughts on all the areas of patient care. Further, I would conduct a survey on patient’s attendance to ensure they are provided with quality services. Lastly, proper documentation of the researched information would avoid confusion before the meeting because my thoughts would be well organized (Shelton 37). In the course of the meeting, I would present my findings in the most simplest way and engage my audience. I would make sure that the meeting is an open discussion while maintaining order. In addition, I would ensure that there is a divergence of information and the key meeting points summarized and accurate minutes published (Shelton 45). Finally, I would foresee that questions are asked and answered accordingly. After the meeting, it is my duty to ensure that I follow up and make sure that the meeting minutes were published. Furthermore, I would publish the meeting discussions on the hospital’s/clinic’s website so that they could be easily accessed by everyone. Lastly, I would benchmark the healthcare with other clinics in terms of customer service to ensure that the meeting objectives were achieved and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Identifying Stakeholders and Developing Charter Essay
Identifying Stakeholders and Developing Charter - Essay Example This essay stresses that organizational structure has a very deep impact on the project management and PM decision making process this also includes the company’s size and its business requirements. The organization functioning horizontally or vertically the organizational structure is used to uphold and mange the resources, time line, expenditure, and quality/performance. Three organizational structures are utilized by the by the PM are functional, matrix, and projectized. the PM process impacted though the company’s culture. The corporate culture defines the character of the organization. If we analyze the company’s culture then we will able to find out that it includes of the norms, assumptions, values and concrete signs of business members and their behaviors. The company’s culture determines a company’s managerial actions, performance, image, and policies, also having impact on the operational programs of the PM practice. In this report the author has discussed the main stakeholders of this project. He has utilized different project stakeholder identification and classification techniques of this project. He has also mentioned the criteria for the call of meeting for this project. During the analysis He has found different potential conflict that the author of the report has mentioned in the last section. He has tried to address each aspect of the under-discussion factor, so that we can have a better and clear view of the overall project.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Difference Between Business Proposal and Formal Research Essay Example for Free
Difference Between Business Proposal and Formal Research Essay The final objective of the business proposal and a formal research establishes the differences between the two studies. Business proposal has a practical orientation and is designed to find the best solution to a problem in order to generate either financial savings or greater revenue (Bazerman, M. H., Moore, 2009). On the other hand, a formal research builds upon other comparable research to discover, demonstrate or test a hypothesis. It has no financial implications and generates a wide variety of findings that may be made applicable in a wide variety of contexts. Business proposal defines the problem as a business decision making concern, formal research estimates the problem as a potential contribution to scholarly research. When it comes to data gathering and use, business proposal looks for available data sources to make a decision, formal research produces own data to make a discovery. The approach for business proposal is to analyze different alternatives, for formal research is related to performing an experiment. Business proposal normally doesn’t use theoretical work ; on the other hand, formal research defines the theories that support the variable utilized in the hypothesis. The capability of the formal research consists of contributions to the academic world and the scholarly work while capability of a business proposal is to find solutions to business problems. Despite the many differences between business proposal and research project, there are some commonalities. One of them is that the findings in both cases may or may not be presented with headings and subheadings (Bazerman, M. H., Moore, 2009). Business proposal and formal research should work together. If no formal research is present , the proposal will be useless. To write a business proposal, there is a need to conduct a formal research on the market. The reason it is so important is that the viability of the business can be determined. It wouldn’t be logic to initiate any kind of business if the products or services are not needed by the visualized market. Business decisions require intelligence and how research can provide that intelligence. Business proposals contextualize the findings from formal research in an existing organizational structure.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Maternity Leave in Australia Essay -- Papers
Maternity Leave in Australia Maternity leave allows women to take leave of absence from their job to give birth and care for their children. The International Labor Organisation sets minimum standards for maternity leave. These include a right to 12 weeks' paid maternity leave and prohibition against dismissal during maternity leave. Although a member of the ILO, Australia has never ratified its convention concerning maternity protection ---- we have no standard maternity leave provisions. Australian law entitles women to 12 months' unpaid leave and for more than 25 years the Commonwealth Employees Act has entitled Commonwealth employees to paid maternity leave. About two-thirds of women in the workforce, however, are not entitled to paid maternity leave and many working women are ineligible for unpaid leave because they are casual employees. Is it time to change maternity leave entitlements in Australia? Australia has one of the least generous maternity leave provisions of industrialised nations. Australiaand the...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Prejudice Intertextuality Essay
â€Å"Why does he hate me so much? Is it me personally or just what I am? †I have chosen to explore the idea of prejudice (judgments of a person based on race, gender, social class, and religion or group associations. ) These themes are evident in the short film ‘Chinese Whispers’ directed by Neil Paddington and Stuart McKenzie, and in three written texts ‘Noughts and Crosses’ by Malorie Blackman, ‘Patches Hide No Scars’ by Haree Williams and ‘On the Sidewalk Bleeding’ by Evan Hunter. â€Å"I used to comfort myself with the belief that it was only certain individuals and their peculiar notions that spoilt things for the rest of us. But how many individuals does it take before it’s not the individuals who are prejudiced but society itself? †‘Noughts and Crosses’ is a powerfully written, fictional novel about two teenagers Callum (a nought) and Sephy (a cross), who are stuck in a racist dystopia separated only by skin colour. In Malorie Blackman’s imaginative novel the characters are either a â€Å"black dagger bitch†or a â€Å"white blanker bastard. †Callum and Sephy are surrounded by a hierarchy, in which Noughts are considered second-class citizens and forbidden to be together. This disturbed society shows a racial prejudice in which interracial relationships are not allowed and there is favoritism towards the Crosses. â€Å"You’re a Nought and I’m a Cross and there’s nowhere for us to be, nowhere for us to go where we’d be left in peace†¦ That’s why I started crying. That’s why I couldn’t stop. For all the things we might’ve had and all the things we’re never going to have. †This example shows the desperation of Sephy as she realizes that because of the prejudices of her society she will never be allowed to be with Callum. This film relates back to events in the past in ‘our’ world with issues such as discrimination and the mistreatment of people of a particular race or religion. An example of this is the class-system in America. For many years African-Americans, (like Noughts), were judged by their skin colour and treated as inferior beings. Author Malorie Blackman used specific examples from events in the Black Civil Rights movement in the novel to add impact to her novel. An example used is the pioneering achievements of Robert Peary. Examples like these show that Noughts’ achievements are undervalued or ignored because they have white skin. I strongly believe it is important for children of today to be educated on issues like these to remove all racisim. ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ states â€Å"all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights†¦. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. This novel has made me believe in the importance of educating young people on events and issues, like genocide (eg the Rwandan Genocide of 1994, only 18 years ago, where an estimated 7 Tutsi citizens were brutally murdered every minute for 100 days! ) and racism, in order to prevent the future from becoming a place like in ‘Noughts and Crosses’. How are we to learn from the mistakes of mankind if we are never educated on them? â€Å"Dreams of living in a world with no more discrimination, no more prejudice, a fair police force, an equal justice system, equality of education, equality of life, a level playing field†¦ †His name is Andy. †This gang related short story â€Å"On the Sidewalk Bleeding†relates to the theme of prejudice by exploring the idea of lost identity through group association. At the exposition of this story, Andy (a member of the ‘Royal’ gang) is stabbed by a rival gang (‘The Guardians’) during a ‘rumble’. The plot then follows Andy’s thought path as he slowly bleeds to death. â€Å"The knife had not been plunged in hatred of Andy. The knife hated only the purple jacket. The jacket was as stupid meaningless thing that was robbing him of his life. †Andy wears a purple silk shirt, a symbol of his membership with the ‘Royals’. In his dying moments Andy comes to the realization that people don’t see him as Andy, a human being, but a member of the ‘Royals’. At the climax of the short story Andy uses his last strength to take off the jacket so that he can be Andy again. â€Å"I want to Andy. †Sadly, just after his death, Andy’s girlfriend Laura, finds Andy’s dead body and races off to find a police officer. The police officer sees the purple ‘Royal’ jacket next to Andy’s body, the officer then proceeds to say â€Å"A Royal, huh. †This shows that Andy’s efforts to remove himself from the gang have failed as the police officer judges him by the sight of the jacket. The police officer associates Andy as a part of the gang the ‘Royals’ and doesn’t see him as Andy, a sixteen year old boy. This short story by Evan Hunter has shown me how easily a person’s identity can be lost through association and how people can perceive you as a member of a group not an individual because of an item of clothing. â€Å"The world didn’t know he was Andy. †‘Chinese Whispers’ directed by Stuart McKenzie and Neil Paddington also relates to racial prejudice or judgments based on race before actually meeting a person. The short film â€Å"Chinese Whispers†is based around Wellington teenager Vincent Chan’s struggle to fit in. Vincent confused by the two diverse aspects of his culture. At the beginning of the film Vincent lives in fear of encounters with xenophobic bogans who dislike and harass Vincent because he is Chinese. â€Å"Vincent is ashamed to be Chinese. †Vincent feels pressure to conform to the ‘social norm’ of his age group. He turns his back on his father’s cultural ways and instead joins Swan’s triad gang. Swan offers Vincent an illicit world of reward. Vincent sees this as an opportunity to stand up to xenophobic bogans but by joining the gang Vincent isolates himself from his family. Directors Neil Paddington and Stuart McKenzie use dark, blue lightening in many of the scenes in ‘Chinese Whispers’ to portray the sad, sinister world Vincent is being lured into. This is an effective visual feature because it stresses the consequences of Vincent’s decisions. An example of this is Vincent’s decision to conform to the Triad ways by taking illegal narcotics. Blue lighting is also used when Vincent’s father is sitting in a room lonely and longing for his distant son. This New Zealand film has made me more aware of the Chinese struggles in New Zealand. ‘Chinese Whispers’ has given me deep insight into the Chinese point of view and the pressures they withstand. It has shown me the importance of being accepting of minorities and their differences. Stuart McKenzie’s and Neil Paddington’s film has also shown me how important it is to end xenophobia and prejudices in order to help people like Vincent Chan to make better decisions to keep a balance between their culture and fitting in to society. All men are dangerous brutes, intruders, vagrants. †Haree William’s poem ‘Patches Hide No Scars’ refers to young Maoris, turning their back on the way of their ancestors preferring the â€Å"direction, discipline and orders†of gang life. This New Zealand poem has captured the sad truth about the loss of the Maori culture as the lost youths turn to gang membership in a search to add meaning to their lives. ‘Patches Hide No Scars’ relates to the idea of prejudice by describing the members of Maori gangs as one group, a whole, not a group of individuals. How do we prosecute those already punished? How do we fine those lost in the street of no direction? †Throughout this short text author Haree Williams continually uses words like ‘we’ and ‘those/them’, by doing this the gangs (‘those’) are separated from the rest of society (‘we’). By doing this Maori gangs distance from the rest of New Zealand is emphasized. This poem has raised questions to me: why do these youths find security in the rules and orders of gangs but not the rules and orders of regular jobs or life in the ‘normal’ society? And what is society doing to make the youngsters of the Maori race feel like they do not belong in society? By reading and viewing these texts, ‘Noughts and Crosses’, ‘Chinese Whispers’, â€Å"Patches Hide No Scars’ and ‘On the Sidewalk Bleeding’, I have learnt of the struggles and pressures many people, fictional or not, suffer through due to the prejudices of modern society. â€Å"And just like that, I’d been assessed and judged. Nurse Fashoda didn’t know the first thing about me but she’d taken one look at my face and now she reckoned she knew my whole life story. â€
Saturday, November 9, 2019
My Journey to America
My journey to America is one unforgettable experience. I say this not because I was able to travel to the land of my dreams but mainly because the journey had improved my outlook in life through the many lessons and insights it had taught. My country of origin is Kenya, located in Eastern Africa. Separating these two countries is the Pacific Ocean,  a large body of water that seemed to signify the impossibility of my coming here (Crofton, 1994, p. 434). But fortunately, this huge obstacle was overcome, and now I am enjoying the fun and opportunities offered by a country that had only once been a dream. You just cannot imagine the excitement I had felt when I learned that I will travel to America. For the majority of Africans, America is a land of golden opportunity, a place that one can better himself. It offers a rare experience in advancement in technology, an essential factor to a person’s twentieth century learning. And above all, America had many fun, exciting and historical places to visit. Armed with such lofty thoughts in mind, going through the hassle of filing for travel papers at the US Embassy meant nothing to me. I  bade goodbye to Kenya last __________. My itinerary was from Nairobi, Kenya to ______, USA. It would take approximately ______ hours to reach the US.  On the plane I tried to contain my excitement although flying above the wide Pacific Ocean was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. Looking down below from the window of the plane, I can see a wide expanse of blue water, stretching miles and miles beyond as if it would never end. Although the sight was beautiful to behold, I cannot wait to see land for by then I suddenly felt an awesome fear of being in a place totally unknown, as if I was lost in the middle of nowhere. I realized then that uprooting oneself from familiar places is not that easy, after all. As the plane made its way across the earth,  my mind was filled with thoughts of what I will going to do in America, the friends that I will meet, the places I will visit and the things that I will have. The thoughts all came to me at once, both thrilling and enchanting me at the same time. Amidst these thoughts, my mind raced back to the place I just left behind, the loved ones that I will not see for sometime and the places that surprisingly I will miss, and then out of nowhere I felt nostalgic and if I was not strong enough tears would have fallen from my eyes. It was painful to realize that for me to experience something new, I had to let go of something that I hold dear. But I am glad to think that someday I will be back. Finally, after some time I approached the place that for more than a century had drawn all kinds of races and nationalities to its shores like a magnet. I expected the view from above to be so much different from the aerial view of the country and continent I just left behind. True enough it was way, way different. Whereas the place I had just left was dominated by forest and desert that was spotted with human dwellings and buildings, the view of America from the air was just breathtaking to me. A vast array of buildings endlessly crowded themselves below, tall skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty seemed to reach out to me in welcome. I could not believe that the famous  America was right in front of me!   I felt an awesome sense of self-fulfillment then, perhaps because America had this magical way of making a person think that finally he had seen the real world. Naturally I could not wait to set my feet in the America soil.  For the first time in my life I was surrounded with people who look different from me. In the airport were white people, brown skinned people and dark ones like me. I was fascinated with the presence of different nationalities that were busy talking to one another in a language I do not understand and hurrying past me to places God knows where. I realized later that I will often come across these different types of people in just any street in America. I wonder much about them, the places that they came from and the loved ones that they left behind in a country far away. I know that most of them come to America to earn more money, and I wonder if they fulfilled that goal. Settling here for _________ (months or years) now, I can say with authority that foreigners here oftentimes experienced physical, emotional and mental suffering. Many of them are homesick.  There is no place, after all, that man will be untouched by the negative experiences of life. Such realization had developed in  me a deeper respect for people who  left their homeland to find jobs in other shores. For the many successful people who pass my way daily, I can say that indeed America is a land of golden opportunity, but only for the people who work hard. In life no matter where we are we just cannot expect a golden egg to fall on our lap. Here there are also many poor people. I do not know why they lived that way but one thing America taught me is that if you want something good to happen in your life then you must be willing to sacrifice, to let many sweats fall from your forehead.   A person should not wait for opportunity, he must look for it and when he found that opportunity he must grab it with both hands. The list of beautiful places to visit and exciting things to do in America is endless. There are many big parks decorated with beautiful flowers and housed different kinds of animals (many of these animals are native to my homeland like tigers and elephants).  When I look a these caged animals I cannot help but compare them to their relatives back home who roamed  freely in the African wild. America is not a place of freedom for them but on the contrary, America is a trap, a prison. I felt sad but these are the prices that need to be paid if people of America are to see a live African wildlife. Furthermore, America had many large shopping centers filled with all sorts of stuff. They are very inviting to touch, look and if I have the money, to buy. There are just many things to choose from, all of them beautiful. It is true that America has lots of things to offer especially for a Kenyan like me. Being surrounded by all these beautiful things make me look at life more positively. I do have negative experiences in America but I would cite only one that I know is experienced by most foreign people like me and it is the ugly face of racial discrimination. I know that racial discrimination is present when the people of other races I associate with treat me with distrust without reason. I know some of them did not actually wanted the feeling to come but it involuntarily sprung up somewhere. Racial discrimination is a big problem here. This just shows that great America, like any other country in the world, had its own issues to solve. Obviously, there are many differences between America and my home country but there is one difference that I would like to share here. It seemed to me that the people who live in America are always in a hurry. It seemed that they have so many things to do but do not have the time to do it. That is why most Americans (including those who are not but lived here) are always in a perpetual state of stress. They are busy chasing â€Å"something†so that they do not have the time â€Å"to smell the flowers†. This is so much unlike Kenya. There it seemed we have plenty of time to rest, to reflect. Perhaps because our lives are less complicated, our dreams are simpler. For most Kenyan families providing daily food on the table is a big accomplishment. My journey to America is an adventure of a lifetime. I will never forget the many new  experiences that came along  and the lessons it had taught me. Indeed I can say that my journey to America had opened doors in my life that were once closed. Reference Crofton, Ian (editor). (1994). The Guinness Compact Encyclopedia. London: Guinness Publishing Limited.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Guide to Writing an Effective Resume
Free Guide to Writing an Effective Resume What Is a Resume? A resume is a compilation of your work experience, academic experience, and accomplishments. Resumes are usually used by employers and admissions committees who want to know more about a particular candidate. Effective vs. Ineffective Resumes The main difference between an ineffective resume and an effective resume is that an ineffective resume gets ignored, and an effective resume leads to a follow-up phone call of interview request.  The Most Important Aspect of Resume Writing Resume writing can seem like an intimidating task, but it’s actually easier than you think. Your resume only has one job to do: It must pique the interest of your potential employer. That’s it. It doesn’t have to tell your life story and it doesn’t have to answer every question a potential employer might have. Detail Previous Experience Detail your previous experience. Think about your background and past experiences. Take what you learned in business school and apply it to the job you seek. Emphasize relevant skills and related accomplishments. Academic Experience Academic qualifications can really give your resume an edge. If you have degrees, certifications, or specialized training, note it. Try to include any related unpaid work that you have done, such as internships. Youll also want to detail any certifications or licenses that you hold. Hobbies Think very carefully before listing your hobbies on your resume. A good rule of thumb is to avid mentioning your hobbies unless they directly apply to the job that you are going out for. Concentrate only on what demonstrates your value; leave everything else out. If you are going to include your hobbies, make sure that they are hobbies that look good on a resume. Use Industry Terms Using industry terms in your resume is a good idea. It is also smart to use these terms to tailor your resume. To do this, start by researching the companies that interest you. Next, read publications or websites directly related to your target industry. Are there particular requirements that are frequently mentioned? If so, use these requirements as keywords throughout your resume. Learn more about how to write a targeted resume. Resume Action Words As you are writing, try not to use the same words over and over. Avoiding repetition will make your resume more exciting. Drop in some of the following action words to jazz things up a bit: AccomplishedAchievedAttainedCompletedCreatedDeliveredDemonstratedEnhancedExpandedImprovedIncreasedManagedObtainedPerformedProducedSecuredSucceededSurpassed See more examples of action words and power verbs for your resume. Resume Structure and Layout Next, make sure everything is neatly typed and spelled correctly. Your resume should be eye-catching without being flashy. Above all, it should be easy to read. If you need ideas for layout and resume structure, find resume samples online or go to the library and study a book. Both outlets will offer many examples of professionally written resumes. (A great online place is: Resume Proofreading When your resume is finished, read it over carefully and make sure that it properly demonstrates your value as an employee. Use this resume proofreading checklist to catch everything. If you have written an effective invitation to employers, all you need to do now is sit back and wait for the phone to ring.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Article Marketing Guide
An Article Marketing Guide An Article Marketing Guide An Article Marketing Guide By Sharon Article marketing is a great way to promote a product, service, website or blog. The name says it all: article marketing means marketing yourself with articles and its easy to do if you know how. Heres how to create a good article marketing article. The Title The title of your article is the most important part, because thats what will grab the reader. The golden rule is to tell readers what the article offers and tell them quickly within the first three or four words if possible. If youre writing about buying a second home, then use this: Buying A Second Home: Five Tips For Success rather than this: Five Tips For Success When Buying A Second Home The first tells readers straight away what they will get from your article; the second focuses on the number of tips. The Body Article marketing articles are used on websites and blogs, so follow the rules for writing good web articles. Put the most important information at the top, keep sentences and paragraphs short and make good use of subheadings. And if you promise five tips, make sure thats what you deliver. I usually start with a rough plan which outlines my main points and then I expand on each of those points in a single paragraph. I dont make these too long, as the average article marketing article is between 250 and 500 words long. The Resource Box The resource box is where you get to sell your product or service. It needs to contain your name, the address of your website, your elevator pitch and a call to action. The elevator pitch is a couple of sentences that say what you have to offer. It briefly answers the question whats in it for the reader? The call to action aims to get readers to your site to buy, join, signup orwhatever you want them to do. Other Important Information Once you have completed the article, write a summary of between two and five sentences to hook the reader. This may be a repeat of the lead or something completely different that points out what the article has to offer. If you like, include an invitation to the reader to read on. Finally, craft an author bio that shows your expertise and youre ready to submit your article. Where To Submit There are hundreds of article directories, so the choice can be daunting. Some of the best ones Ive used are: EzineArticles GoArticles IdeaMarketers There may also be article directories specific to the niche you want to target, which may be a better option for some people. Once you have written the first article, its easy to write more. I have more than 40 articles on EzineArticles and they bring traffic to my site and serve as examples of my writing. Good luck with your article marketing efforts. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†Social vs. SocietalHow Many Sentences in a Paragraph?
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Will Globalisation Lead to the End of the 'Third World' Essay
Will Globalisation Lead to the End of the 'Third World' - Essay Example Globalisation has been termed as the key to end poverty and gaining of financial stability in the countries all over the world. Globalisation can be simply termed as the increasing of relationships between culture, people and economic activities. Globalisation is characterised by more cheaper trading fees like exports and imports. In many instances globalisation is referred to as economic globalisation. Economic globalisation is the global distribution of produced goods and services. With globalisation, freedom to trade and to business has become a norm in the globe (Bhagwati, 2004). Countries are given the opportunity to trade with all other countries across the globe. It is further facilitated by the reduced fees of levies, taxes and import quotas. Prior to globalisation, the global economy was controlled by specific groups. In those days, the freedom to trade was not a norm. Business people had to pay heavy fees to governing bodies just to operate a small business. In the days of cold war, global trade was very expensive and biased. It is due to this that the global economy was growing at a very slow rate (Blomsrom & Hettne, 1984). The prices of exporting and importing products were high enough to hinder an ordinary merchant to conduct the business. This left militaries and governments as the only bodies with a comfortable run in the global market. It is during this period that many counties failed to grow economically and remained in bad economic positions up to today. However, with globalisation the economic trend of these third world countries is changing significantly. With economic and trading freedom, third world countries are striving to get an economic advantage in the global economy. Is this trend purely caused by globalisation? This paper will focus on the impacts that globalisation has brought to the third world countries. It will also look at the future of the third world countries under globalisation, and if globalisation will lead to the end of the third world. It was predicted that there would be a rapid development in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The growth would be enough to bridge the gap between the developing and developed states. According to Chew & Denemark (1996) the gap will be reduced until to the level that it would be insignificant and meaningless. This will provide a level ground of trading among all nations. These developments are said to be most beneficial to the poorest nations. In Africa, Asia and Latin America the desperation of success is growing each and every day among individuals. With the success trail made easier by globalisation, everyone in the developing nations see a future of success in them (De Beer & Swanapoel, 2000). This leads to innovation and entrepreneurship among them. If the trend of striving for success continues in the third world countries, third world countries will be no more. However, some critics argue that the development of third world countries in not due to globalisatio n but the need to get better lives. As much as the argument holds some truth, the developing global economy also has a crucial role in the success of developing countries. Globalisation has opened many opportunities for a global development. However, these opportunities are not evenly distributed because some states are being incorporated in the global economy more rapidly than the others (Burnell, 2008). This is mainly caused by the difference in governance of financial positions of the nations. With proper policies third countries have a probability of having the greater piece of the cake in the global economy. For instance, in the 1970s and 1980s Africa and Latin America implemented economic policies which focussed more on internal financial development. What followed was
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